Well, this is can be quite a shock and no mistake. I've been happily toddling along through life under the impression that the way in which I charg ...
I saw something I never expected to see on the way home a few evenings ago -- a set of traffic lights that had failed with all of them showing gree ...
Until about a decade ago, thermal energy was considered almost entirely as an analogue, bulk phenomena. Regardless of whether the heat flux was con ...
The "Things" in our world are becoming increasingly complicated, and the failure modes a whole lot more interesting ("interesting" as in the old cu ...
All data streams experience jitter, some of which is statistically random, so that means we must characterize it with statistics. In jitter analysi ...
All data streams experience jitter, some of which is statistically random, meaning that we must characterize it with statistics. In jitter analysis ...
Estimating likely power consumption of a piece of silicon before building it is necessarily an approximate endeavor -- not quite divining the futur ...
Estimating likely power consumption of a piece of silicon before building it is necessarily an approximate endeavor -- not quite divining the futur ...
Non-volatile flash memory (NVMe) has been utilised to increase the performance of high-end servers for years, notably pioneered by Fusion IO. Today ...