tag 标签: HomeIOT

  • 热度 23
    2018-12-17 14:03
    1514 次阅读|
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    Network entrance: Grab the man’s stomach and grab the man’s heart. Grab the woman's face and grab the woman's money. I t is can be translated into the internet language. It means we can capture the users need. When we were doing user research before, the time and place of the research was considered carefully. It is the ideal place that users often visit. For example, Residential gate or the additional plaza is the ideal place of home users after dinner, Road next to office building is the ideal place of office employee dinner. If you hold a hurry worker in the morning, it is a bad idea. He won’t buy it and he won ’ t buy it with all of his friend. We go shopping on rest day, and often meet people who advertise in the subway, market entrance and other places. This is a very simple strategy, occupying the entrance. On the Internet, it occupies the Internet portal . From the early days to now, the major network operators such as cable TV, mobile, Unicom, and telecom, have tried to occupy the user's network portal. The mobile phones in users hands, the broadband routers and set-top boxes in the home are now essential for our lives, this is the competition for infrastructure entry (IAAS). Every Android smartphone, every Android smart STB, the dealer would ask for your name, address and phone number to register, and then push news, program , call back and so on. It has formed a function based on Android platform. There exists Windows platform, IOS platform analogous, which is the competition for platform-based service entry(PAAS). We are familiar with WeChat, it is a Instant Message tool early, micro-business and payment was developed later, various small programs appeared now, it has formed a service aggregation platform, which is the competition for service entry(SAAS). The networking entrance dispute is equivalent to the physical store location dispute.
  • 热度 16
    2018-12-17 13:21
    2070 次阅读|
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    网络入口: 不知什么时候起,流传了这样的话,抓住男人的胃,就抓住了男人的心。抓住了女人的颜,就抓住了女人的钱。很有道理,翻译成互联网语言,抓住了用户的痛点,痛点就是用户的刚需。 以往,我们去做用户调研的时候,调研的时间地点是需要仔细考虑的。目标用户群高峰出现的地方是最理想的场所。如,面向家庭用户的地点是晚饭之后的小区门口或附加广场,面向上班一族的地点是午休时分的写字楼外。如果你在早高峰时间拉住一个匆匆的人士,往往适得其反,以后不是买,而是不买,还会拉着一堆人不去买。 我们休息日逛街,经常会在地铁口、商超口等地点碰到发广告的人。这是很朴素的思维,占据入口。这种思维延伸到互联网,就是,占据网络入口。 从早期到现在,我们熟悉的各大网络运营商如有线、移动、联通、电信等已经想方设法占据用户的网络入口,手里的手机、家里的宽带配套路由器和机顶盒、现在是我们生活的必备支出,这是基础设施入口( IAAS)的争夺。 每一部安卓智能手机,每一个安卓智能机顶盒,经销商都会留下你的姓名地址和电话,开机之后注册登录之类的,然后消息推送、程序推荐、电话回访之类的纷至沓来,这是在手机基础上衍生而来,形成了基于安卓生态平台化的功能,这是平台化服务入口( PAAS)的争夺。 我们熟悉的微信,最早只是社交角度的实时通信,出现了微商,后来的支付,再到各种小程序,形成了服务聚合平台,这就是服务入口( SAAS)的争夺。 入口之争,等同于实体店选址在虚拟网络领域的延伸。
  • 热度 17
    2018-12-17 09:40
    1783 次阅读|
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    User portrait: Many people have attended meeting: Everyone will be excited to explain their product understanding with rich body language. User definition is the most critical task of any project or product in the first stage of planning. Who is the user? We have to distinguish between two concepts, user and client. The user is the person who uses your product, and the client is the person who buys your product. There will be great differences and many combinations between them. In most cases, even if the client is not the end user, it is often the client's client. All of us are user. Planners organized people in different departments such as market, product, technology, production, etc., "historical project experience" and "experts" were important reference. They were always confused about new products. As a result, the leadership will be furious: "Why not do market research?" Therefore, competitive product analysis, questionnaires, market visits, some companies purchase information directly , these methods are still effective or necessary activities now. One of the important things is what is the user base of our product services.Their education, age, gender, purchasing power, behavior habits or hobbies, shopping place, religious beliefs. A detailed analysis of the target user can enhance the success of product planning. We have had such an experience. We searched users try out a new product in different places. We specifically selected two distinct communities. But the feedback situation is the opposite of what we expected exactly. Chairman Mao said that there is no right to speak without an investigation. It is reasonable! Nowadays, the huge IT platform has realized the function of inferring the user's consumption habits and pushing products according to the user's consumption trajectory. The industrial IOT has begun to try the customized production mode. Is it necessary of user portrait?Yes, This is a more accurate and more personalized portraits based on user behavior of Big Data Analysis and AI.
  • 热度 15
    2018-12-17 08:19
    1528 次阅读|
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    用户画像: 很多人经历过这样的场景:会议室里,群情激昂。每个人都会激动地拔高了音调,伴着丰富的肢体语言,阐述自己对于产品的理解。 任意一个项目或产品,在策划的第一阶段最为关键的任务,不是讨论技术的成熟度,功能的完备性,而是市场可行性,市场的核心是客户。 用户是谁? 我认为我们先要区分两个概念,用户和客户。用户是使用你产品的人,客户是购买你产品的人。因行业、产品目的、营销渠道、商业模式等不同,这两者之间会有很大的不同和很多的组合方式。大多数情况下,即使客户不是最终用户,也往往是客户的客户。对于家庭物联网产品来讲,我们就以最终用户的行为习惯为产品标准。最终用户实际上就是你我他这样的普通人。 多年之前的时候,做消费类的产品,产品策划者先组织市场、产品、技术、生产等不同部门的人坐在一起拍脑袋,当然,会有 “历史项目经验”、“专家”这样的前提。对于系列延续的产品的迭代,这是很有参考意义的,而对于新的方向,往往会纠结不休。于是,领导会大发雷霆之怒:“为什么不做市场调研呢?” 于是,竞品分析、调查问卷、市场走访,有条件的公司直接雇佣调查咨询公司或购买权威统计机构信息数据,这些方式,目前仍是行之有效或者说必要的活动。 上述活动中,很重要的一项就是,我们的产品服务的用户群是怎样的。他们的规模有多大,他们的学历程度,年级、性别怎样,购买力程度如何,有什么样的行为习惯或爱好,购买渠道如何,什么样的因素会影响甚至左右购买行为,有什么样的宗教信仰等。对于目标用户群的细致分析,可以增强产品策划的成功性。 我们曾遇到这样的事情,一个产品匆忙上马之后,在不同的地方找用户试用,我们专门选定了截然不同的两个小区。但试用反馈情况,和我们预期的正好相反。 毛主席说过,没有调查就没有发言权。至理名言! 现在比较大的信息平台,已实现根据用户消费轨迹推理用户消费习惯进而推荐产品的功能,工业物联网,开始尝试用户定制的生产模式。还需要用户画像吗,正相反,更需要,这是一种更高层次的画像,基于用户行为的,结合了大数据分析和人工智能的更加精准,更加个性化的画像。
  • 热度 16
    2018-12-14 08:07
    1955 次阅读|
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    2.2 role The scene of the Home IOT is too many to describe. With the development of technology, the scene will be changed. At the same time,the design of the scene could innovate technology. However, people are the everlasting core factors. 2.2.1 users In most cases, It is consumption that someone buy things for family. Therefore, the buyers, also is called the household users, end users, consumers, GOD, are very picky about cost performance of the products. Men, women, the elderly, children, office workers, students, extroverts, introverts, tall, short, fat, thin, etc. Chinese owns great number people, Even if we subdivide detailed, it is also huge. IOT is newly. It ’ s preferred target user young men in the 20s and 30s, who are interested in emerging technologies and have a certain education. They are after the 1990s, it is the period of rapid development of China's IT, it has become a part of their lives. Popular smart phones has made the world small. They focus on leisure and play such as wearable smart speakers, robots. 70s and 80s focus on basic needs such as health and safety. They bought them for the family. Smart homes appliances are often bought for women.