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    2024-7-13 12:53
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    非常荣欣参加了这次 《运放电路环路稳定性设计》 试读体验活动,同时非常感谢面包板论坛举办此活动。本书印刷还是非常新颖,具有精美漫画。下图为图书正面。 本书利用 “原理分析、仿真计算、样机测试”三步学习法对运放电路环路进行稳定性设计,使读者能够对已有电路彻底理解,并且通过计算和仿真分析对原有电路进行改进,以便设计出符合实际要求的运放电路,达到实际应用的目的。首先,进行简单运放电路分析,运用反馈控制理论和稳定性判定准则进行时域/频域计算和仿真,当计算结果和仿真结果致时再进行实际电路测试,使三者有机统一;然后,改变主要元器件参数,使电路工作于振荡或超调状态,此时测试稳定裕度,应该与稳定判据相符合;最后,设计反馈补偿网络使电路重新工作于稳定状态,通过这整个过程帮助读者透彻理解运放电路环路控制分析与设计方法。 本书的主要内容如下 : 第 1章 : 主要讲解运放电路环路稳定性判定准则。首先讲解增益裕度、相位裕度、峰值与振铃、劳斯稳定判据,之后结合实例对具体判定准则进行深入介绍;然后总结环路测试方法,包括 Aol与1/ β 闭合速度法、双注入法以及通的影响;最后根据运放数据手册建立其传递函数模型,包括输入电容以及输出阻抗,并详细分析 RLC模型在频域分析时的工作特性。 第 2章:主要讲解运放电路单反馈补偿设计。首先讲解ZI输入网络、ZF反馈网络计算和容性负载频率特性;然后详细讲解补偿设计,包括隔离电阻补偿、反馈电容补偿和噪声增益补偿,并对同相放大电路、反相放大电路进行噪声增益补偿设计;最后结合实例对噪声增益补偿电路进行实际测试。 第 3章:主要讲解运放电路R i so 双反馈补偿设计。首先确定双反馈设计准则,之后分析计算双反馈 FB 1 和 FB 2 ; 然后结合典型电路进行双反馈补偿测试;最后利用跟随器电路进行实际电路双反馈设计与工作特性测试。 第 4章:主要对运放电路设计实例进行工作原理分析、反馈补偿设计、频域稳定性和瞬态测试,包括热电偶变送器、仪用放大电路、复合放大电路、运放OPAX192模型建立及其应用电路设计。 第 5章:主要对运放电路扩展设计实例进行工作原理分析、频域稳定性测试、瞬态测试以及功能扩展。 第 6章:主要利用运放跟随电路进行环路稳定性测试与补偿设计,电路分析和补偿方法全部来自前5章的内容;通过设置开关改变电路工作状态,对每种工作状态首先进行工作原理分析,然后进行仿真验证,最后进行实际电路测试,利用三步学习法系统掌握运放电路环路稳定性分析与设计。 另外,本书仿真软件为 PSpice,PSpice软件在电路仿真领域具有广泛的应用和认可,PSpice软件以其强大的仿真能力、丰富的元件库和模型参数库、直观的图形用户界面、强大的后处理功能、集成度高以及广泛的应用领域等特点,在电路仿真领域占据了重要地位。根据网上资料总结其主要特点可以总结如下: 1. 强大的仿真能力 高精度仿真: PSpice能够进行高精度的模拟电路仿真,适用于需要高精度仿真的场合。 多类型电路仿真:不仅限于模拟电路, PSpice还能对数字电路及模拟/数字混合电路进行仿真,功能全面。 多种分析类型:支持直流分析、交流分析、瞬态分析、噪声分析、温度分析等多种电路特性分析,以及蒙特卡罗分析、最坏情况分析等复杂电路特性分析。 2. 丰富的元件库和模型参数库 元件库: PSpice提供了丰富的电路元件库,用户可以轻松选择和使用各种电子元件,包括电阻、电容、电感、晶体管、电源等基本器件及符号,还有运算放大器、比较器等宏观模型级符号。 模型参数库:包含超过 11300种的半导体器件和模拟集成电路产品的模型参数及超过1600种数字电路单元产品的参数,确保仿真的准确性。 3. 直观的图形用户界面 图形输入方式: PSpice采用图形界面,用户可以通过直观的图形方式输入电路原理图,自动进行电路检查,生成图表,模拟和计算电路。 实时查看输出结果:用户可以在仿真过程中随时观察和分析仿真结果,对电路进行实时修改和优化。 4. 强大的后处理功能 Probe观测功能:PSpice集成的Probe模块具有显示电路中的节点电压、支路电流波形等功能,可以对仿真结果进行再分析处理,提取更多信息,如蒙特卡洛分析后显示电路特性参数分布直方图等。 优化功能: Optimizer模块可根据用户规定的电路特性约束条件自动调整电路元器件参数,以满足某一电路指标要求。 5. 集成度高,易于使用 集成化设计: PSpice将电路图绘制、仿真、分析等功能集成在同一软件平台下,用户可以在Windows环境下完成从绘制电路原理图到进行电路分析模拟的全过程。 易于学习:即使没有参考书,用户只要具备一定的英语基础就可以通过实际操作很快掌握该软件。 6. 广泛的应用领域 教育和科研: PSPICE被广泛应用于电子工程教学、科研和产品开发中,是工科类学生必会的分析与设计电路工具。 工业应用:在公司里,它是产品从设计、实验到定型过程中不可缺少的设计工具。 总之, 本书通过对运放电路环路的稳定性进行工作原理分析 、 仿真和实际测试,使读者能够对已有电路彻底理解,并且通过计算和仿真分析对原有电路进行改进, 以便设计出符合实际要求的运放电路,达到实际应用的目的。利用如下三步学习法进行运放电路环路稳定性原理分析、经典图样解剖、实际产品设计,使设计人员真正懂得运放电路系统稳定性分析与设计 : 1) 原理分析 —— 初步理解运放电路的工作特性、控制、反馈。 2) 仿真计算 —— 根据电路技术指标计算整体参数,并利用仿真分析对电路进行整体测试,包括交流、直流、瞬态、开环、闭环,尤其是电路环路稳定性。 3) 样机测试 —— 搭建实际电路进行测试,包括稳态与暂态;并且改变参数与设置对电路进行全面测试,包括稳定与振荡,并与原理分析和仿真计算进行对比,使得三者有机统一。 本书适合运放电路设计人员使用和参考,同时也可供模拟电路和电力电子相关专业高年级本科生和研究生阅读学习。
  • 热度 2
    2019-1-15 16:41
    2643 次阅读|
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    Circuit models are the heart of worst-case circuit analysis (WCCA). For simulations to be valid, you must gather and vet models or create them yourself; you can't usually rely on the manufacturer's model. Your models must correlate to datasheets or test data, and then you need to add tolerances to those models. Your goal is to create an accurate model with the "proper" fidelity. Too much fidelity results in high costs, but models that are too simple or inaccurate can result in bogus outcomes. Modeling was my first assignment out of college and much of the material I published while at Intusoft is still relevant today. Reference 1 includes a link for a free download I wrote some years ago on modeling diodes and BJTs. The WCCA for analog functional blocks (power systems, linear circuits) is most optimally performed using simulation (usually SPICE or some board level simulator such as ADS). In some cases, we have reviewed WCCAs that used 100% math (Mathcad) or 100% simulation. Neither technique is optimum for all types of analyses, nor are they even appropriate. You can't easily use math to perform many nonlinear analyses like transients or frequency domain stability. On the other hand, SPICE is overkill for many steady state assessments. Most analog WCCAs are about 50-50 math vs. simulation from a methodology standpoint. Digital WCCA is a bit of a different story, there, it is commonplace for all the analysis to be simulation based and you are largely dependent on the manufacturer provided IBIS models. SPICE is a powerful tool, but you can easily get yourself into trouble and not know it. All it takes is one incorrect parameter in a sea of models, each with its own subcircuit or model parameter set, to invalidate the simulation’s results (Ref. 2). For most SPICE based analyses, more than half the work scope is taken up deriving a believable, supportable, and correlated nominal model. Correlation is critical. Part and circuit models must be anchored to something known, at least nominally. How can we expect to perform parametric extreme value analysis (‘EVA’) or Monte Carlo analysis using worst-case tolerances if the nominal model isn’t within the range of the band of initial tolerances? You can’t just take a nominal model from a vendor, slap tolerances onto it, and assume the results are valid for all circuit configurations and operating ranges. Figure 1 shows a simple test circuit for simulating MOSFET transconductance (gFS). L1 and C2 are used to “open the loop” allowing you to measure the transfer function from the gate to the output, while maintaining a closed DC loop (Ref. 3). Figure 1. This circuit model lets you simulate a MOSFET's transconductance (gFS) . Figure 2a (left) shows the circuit simulation of a fitted model made by AEi Systems while Figure 2b (right) shows the breadboard measured at load currents of 30 µA, 250 µA, 1mA, 10 mA, and 50 mA for comparison to the model performance. The motivation here is that most SPICE models for FETs are not accurate for linear operation so we created one. The SPICE models are generally set up for hard switching applications and V GS isn't accurate for the low operating currents. The data usually isn't in the data sheet, but that's another story. Figure 2. We created our own simulation (a) because many MOSFET models don't cover low operating current. (b) shows the measured performance. Figure 3 shows the same gFS data from a vendor-supplied SPICE model. The difference between Fig. 3 and Fig. 2a (our model) is clear. Figure 3. The same simulation using the SPICE model for the IRF230 from IRF.com. Note that in this case, the model kind of portrays the gFS characteristic but doesn’t get the actual performance quite right. The MOSFET manufacturer didn’t prioritize or evaluate the gFS performance at low currents and their subcircuit topology did not model it well. Transients, whether for part stress assessments or to assess circuit startup/EMC performance, AC analyses like stability, or any analysis that is not monotonic with respect to the outcome vs. tolerances, usually requires some sort of simulation model. So herein lies the problem. Most analysts rely on the component manufacturers to supply the part models, often without checking the validity of the model in their circuit application. A model needs checking for both the characteristics needed and the operating range over which the characteristics need to be accurate. This may come as a surprise, but vendor models often lack the fidelity you need. Important characteristics aren't modeled or only modeled at certain specific operating conditions. This is not to say that the models are wrong, but that they are often not accurate under the conditions you need. In most cases, documentation is scant, buried in the netlist, or nonexistent. This is a huge problem. Models need documentation and its often inexplicably not available. Without documentation, you don't know over which operating conditions the models are good or even what characteristics the models portray. SPICE models, by their very nature, have limitations. The trick is to know them and adapt the models accordingly. How do you know if a model is any good? You must build test circuits that emulate the data sheet's test circuits and correlate all the parameters that must be right for your simulation. Then, you must correlate the entire application circuit model to test data or practical theory of some kind. It is only at that point that you can apply tolerances and run worst-case scenarios. In Figure 4a , you can see the top left plot how the vendor voltage reference model did not have the output impedance modeled. Therefore, it could not be used in transient or AC analyses. In Figure 4b , the vendor model is first order only and not very accurate. Figure 4. There are two aspects to SPICE models that need to be verified. Does the model exhibit the characteristic of interest and then how accurately is the characteristic modeled over the operating conditions needed? In (a), the model didn't at all portray the output impedance. In (b), the model varied the forward voltage with current, but not very accurately. Knowing how to do this requires knowledge of how to model each individual part using the simulator's syntax and available constructs, what characteristics are important, and how to spot when the circuit model doesn't behave properly. The debugging can be time-consuming and frustrating. It's simply not likely you will "luck into" a usable model without extensive experience in both the application and the parts involved. This is particularly true if you are trying to perform a WCCA on a circuit that has yet to be built and you have no test data. End-of-life or worst-case tolerance models are normally not provided, so if the model isn't encrypted, you will have to learn where the parameter "knobs" are in the netlist so that you can apply tolerances to the characteristics for which the circuit is sensitive. This is a bit of a learned art, as sub-circuits from different manufacturers for the same part type (e.g. FETs) are different. In addition, most SPICE parameters don't directly relate to a datasheet counter-part. For instance, in a diode there are three SPICE parameters that are used to fit the diode’s forward V-I response: N, IS, and RS. So, if you're only matching a few data points, there are multiple combinations that will get you there, though some can be physically unrealizable. More importantly, if you chose the wrong set, the model may not operate correctly outside of those data points. Nominal isn't enough For WCCA, it's not enough to get a nominal model from the part manufacturer. You must be able to apply tolerances to it. Many datasheet characteristics are modeled with groups of components. Thus, applying data sheet tolerances may not be simple or obvious. You must get into the netlist and figure it out. If you build your own models, you can configure them to be easily toleranced. In this case, a capacitor is modeled with a ladder subcircuit ( Figure 5 ) and its impedance/ESR can be scaled between its minimum to spec maximum using a voltage source multiplier. The model is tested to see its tolerance distribution so that when it is used in a Monte Carlo analysis ( Figure 6 ), it's clear how it will perform. Figure 5. A ladder subcircuit lets you model a capacitor. Figure 6. To truly know how a part will perform during a Monte Carlo analysis, you can perform a simplified Monte Carlo analysis of just the part’s characteristic of interest--equivalent series resistance (ESR) in this case. This way, the statistical performance of the model can be proven before use in a full circuit simulation. A distribution-free Monte Carlo analysis using 1440 runs shows the worst end points just matching the spec maximum and assumed worst case minimum. (My next article will cover Monte Carlo analysis.) If the model is encrypted (meaning you can’t read its underlying data), you’re at a dead-end. Applying Tolerances to all the parts around the fixed part may be useful, but it won’t be worst case. For instance, many power IC models are encrypted. That means their control loop response (bandwidth, poles/zeros, etc.) is fixed. Over life, bandwidths can vary substantially. Stability, for instance may vary widely depending on the gain/phase response. Inevitably, you'll have to vet and create your own part models – whether it’s just for passive parts, semiconductors, or op-amps, you'll run into cases where models are suspect and must be altered or where they don't exist at all. For power supply modeling you will have to learn and understand state space averaging techniques (there are many books and papers related to this topic by Christophe Basso and Steve Sandler) (Ref 4, 5). It just takes a fair amount of time and experience to learn how to tweak a model because each part type is different and for most ICs there is no standard template. Two tools that are quite useful in this regard are the OrCAD PSpice Model Editor and Intusoft’s SpiceMod program. Finally, you must create the model for entire circuit portion you want to simulate. That means assessing whether interconnects and PCB parasitics play a material role in the fidelity of the results, as well as, correlating the circuit to any test data that might be available (hopefully). Again, the idea is to build confidence in the model’s fidelity and realism before you estimate the worst behavior. Invalid assumption “The effects of the PCB are assumed not to impact the analysis.” Over the years, much of the analog WCCA performed hasn't included PCB effects. This was an assumption and for the most part, a reasonable one. That assumption is becoming less and less accurate. The bandwidth of power ICs and the edge speeds of the dynamic load current they supply are increasing, while the voltage regulation margins are dropping. In an increasing number of cases, you must account for the impact of the power distribution network’s (PDN) impedance, distributed interconnect impedances, power rail planes, interconnects, connectors, backplanes, and decoupling. That means basic power integrity analyses like stability, ripple, startup, and load step, will require much more advanced (i.e. expensive) finite element analysis tools that are able to incorporate the PCB, component interconnect parasitics, and the voltage regulator module's output impedance into the simulation (Ref 6). With SPICE it’s garbage in, garbage out. But with good correlation and high-fidelity models, the results can be dead on accurate. In this simulation of the power bus in the Space Station ( Figure 7 ), AEi Systems predicted that a master computer reset would be triggered via a bus dropout every time the spacecraft went through an eclipse. Two years after the simulation was performed and the analysis results ignored, and the hardware subsequently built, the picture on the right showed up with a little yellow sticky note. Figure 7. The simulation showed a glitch in a spacecraft's master reset that occurred whenever the spacecraft passed through an eclipse. In summary, model development, correlation, and tolerancing is the hardest and most time-consuming part of WCCA. It can take a long time to achieve a viable model, but it is necessary to complete much of the analysis. References Hymowitz, Ober, Robson, Horita, “ Definitive Handbook of Transistor Modeling ” Ho, Sandler, Hymowitz, “ SPICE models need correlation to measurements ,” EDN, June 2014. Sandler, Hymowitz, “ SPICE Model Supports LDO Regulator Designs ,” Power Electronics, 2005. Basso, “Switch-Mode Power Supplies Spice Simulations and Practical Designs”, ASIN: B012HU9XIU, 2010. Sandler, “Switched-Mode Power Supply Simulation with SPICE: The Faraday Press Edition”, ISBN-13: 978-1941071847, 2018 Sandler, “Power Integrity: Measuring, Optimizing, and Troubleshooting Power Related Parameters in Electronics Systems”, ISBN-13: 978-0071830997, 2014. Book review . elated articles: PCs Let You Gamble on Component Tolerances Simulator Test Tools Speed Circuit Design Measure PDN on a budget Circuit Sensitivity Analysis--An Important Tool for Analog Circuit Design: Part 2 Validate electronics robustness: Part 2—Find the worst case Worst-case analysis
  • 热度 33
    2015-3-14 20:11
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      差分放大电路利用电路参数的对称性和负反馈作用,有效地稳定静态工作点,以放大差模信号抑制共模信号为显著特征,广泛应用于直接耦合电路和测量电路的输入级。但是差分放大电路结构复杂、分析繁琐,特别是其对差模输入和共模输入信号有不同的分析方法,难以理解,因而一直是模拟电子技术中的难点。Muhisim作为著名的电路设计与仿真软件,它不需要真实电路环境的介入,具有仿真速度快、精度高、准确、形象等优点。因此,Multisim被许多高校引入到电子电路实验的辅助教学中,形成虚拟实验和虚拟实验室。通过对实际电子电路的仿真分析,对于缩短设计周期、节省设计费用、提高设计质量具有重要意义。    1 Multisim8软件的特点   Muhisim是加拿大IIT(Interactive Image Tech—nologies) 公司在EWB(Electronics Workbench)基础 上推出的电子电路仿真设计软件,Muhisim现有版本为Muhisim2001,Muhisim7和较新版本Muhisim8。它具有这样一些特点: (1)系统高度集成,界面直观,操作方便。将电路原理图的创建、电路的仿真分析和分析结果的输出都集成在一起。采用直观的图形界面创建电路:在计算机屏幕上模仿真实验室的工作台,绘制电路图需要的元器件、电路仿真需要的测试仪器均可直接从屏幕上选取。操作方法简单易学。   (2)支持模拟电路、数字电路以及模拟/数字混合电路的设计仿真。既可以分别对模拟电子系统和数字电子系统进行仿真,也可以对数字电路和模拟电路混合在一起的电子系统进行仿真分析。   (3)电路分析手段完备,除了可以用多种常用测试仪表(如示波器、数字万用表、波特图仪等)对电路进行测试以外,还提供多种电路分析方法,包括静态工作点分析、瞬态分析、傅里叶分析等。   (4)提供多种输入/输出接口,可以输入由PSpice 等其他电路仿真软件所创建的Spice网表文件,并自动形成相应的电路原理图,也可以把Muhisim环境下创建的电路原理图文件输出给Protel等常见的印刷电路软件PCB进行印刷电路设计。    2  差分放大电路仿真分析   运行Muhisim 8,在绘图编辑器中选择信号源、直流电源、三极管、电阻,创建双端输入双端输出差分放大电路(双入双出差分放大电路)如图1所示,标出电路中的结点编号。   该次仿真中,采用虚拟直流电压源和虚拟晶体管,差分输入信号采用一对峰值为5 mV、频率为1 kHz的 虚拟正弦波信号源。设置虚拟晶体管的模型参数BF= 150,RR=300Ω。    2.1 差模放大性能仿真分析   2.1.1 直流分析   直流分析实际上就是确定静态工作点。选择Sim-ulate菜单中的Analysis命令,然后选择Dc OperatingPoint子命令,分析结果如图2所示。   用静态工作点分析方法得VBEQ1=UBEQ2=O.69 V,UCEQ1=UCEQ2=V3一V2Δ8.94 V,与题中理论计算结果完全相同。    2.1.2 差模放大倍数分析   加差模信号 ui1,ui2,分别接入电路的左右输入端,电阻R1作为输出负载,则电路的接法属于双入双出。将四通道示波器XSC1的3个通道分别接在信号源ui1和负载R1两端,如图1所示。运行并双击示波器图标XSC1,调整各通道显示比例,得差分放大电路的输入/输出波形如图3所示。   用示波器观察和测量输入电压和输出电压值,差模信号单边电压V1△一3.597 mV(5 mV/Div),单边输出交流幅值约为170.124 mV(500 mV/Div),所以双入双出差分放大电路的差模放大倍数AuΔ一170.124/3.597=一47,与单管共射的放大倍数相同,即差分放大电路对差模信号具有很强的放大能力。仿真结果与题中理论计算结果相同。    2.2 共模抑制特性仿真分析   2.2.1 共模放大倍数分析   在图1中,将信号源ui2的方向反过来,即加上共模信号,运行并双击示波器图标XSC1,调整A,B通道显示比例,可得如图4所示波形。   由图4波形可知,在峰一峰14 mV(有效值为5 mV)的共模信号作用下,输出的峰值极小,峰一峰值为13 mV,因此单边共模放大倍数小于1。且uc1和uc2大小相等,极性相同。所以,在参数对称且双端输出时,共模放大倍数等于0,说明差分放大电路对共模信号具有很强的抑制能力。显然,仿真结果与理论分析结果一致。    2.2.2 共模抑制比分析   选择Simulate菜单中的Analysis命令,然后选择Transient Analysis子命令,选择结点3,4作为输出,单击Simulate按钮;选择Simulate菜单中的后处理器Postprocessor子命令,在Expression列表框中编辑“V($4)一V($3)”,然后打开Graph选项卡,可画出差分放大电路共模输入双端输出波形,见图5。可见,波形属于噪声信号,且幅值极小,可忽略不计。因此,差分放大电路双端输出时,其共模抑制比KCNR趋于无穷大。如果再将图1所示的电路中发射极电阻R2改为恒流源,重复前面步骤,再分析共模特性,可得出结论:具有恒流源的差分放大电路的共模抑制比KCNR更高。    3 结 语   应用Multisim8软件对差分放大电路进行仿真分析,结果表明仿真与理论分析和计算结果一致,应用Multisim进行虚拟电子技术实验可以十分方便快捷地获取实验数据,突破了在传统实验中硬件设备条件的限制,大大提高了实验的深度和广度。利用仿真可以使枯燥的电路变得有趣,复杂的波形变得形象生动,并且不受场地(可以在教室、宿舍),不受时间(课内、课外)的限制,通过教师演示和学生动手设计、调试,不但可以使学生更好地掌握所学的知识,同时提高了学生的动手能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。
  • 热度 27
    2015-3-14 20:10
    1568 次阅读|
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      概览   SPICE(针对集成电路的仿真程序)是加利福尼亚大学伯克莱分校开发的模拟电路仿真器,是作为CANCER(除射频电路外的非线性电路计算分析)程序的一部分进行开发的。   过去的50年中,众多公司开发了大量不同的SPICE变体(包括HSPICE和PSPICE)。   SPICE以网表形式定义电路并使用参数仿真电路特性。网表描述电路中的部件及其连接方式。SPICE可以仿真DC工作点、AC响应、瞬态响应以及其它有用的仿真项目。   目录 1.为何采用本教程作为PSPICE到Multisim间的过渡? 2.1.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:放置电阻和电容 3.2.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:增加电源部件 4.3.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:接线部件 5.4.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:设置仿真 6.5.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:运行仿真 7.6.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:结语   为何采用本教程作为PSPICE到Multisim间的过渡?   本教程的目标受众为那些使用过PSPICE的Multisim用户,我们的目标是为这些正在积极寻找如何在Multisim中创建和仿真电路的用户提供进阶指南。本教程除了讲述如何在PSPICE中完成任务,同时亦为您提供使用Multisim的简单设置步骤。无论您是否有过操作其它仿真工具的经验,本教程均可帮助您迅速上手Multisim。这一评价来自于我们在斯坦福大学创建的优秀教程,见此处。   Multisim   如果您是首次使用Multisim,您可能会很快发现仿真环境和原理图捕获环境非常相似,只是传统的多级步骤和复杂过程已被简化,仿真变得更加简单。   1.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:放置电阻和电容   1.1打开软件   在PSPICE中,仿真设计开始前,用户通常需要通过下列步骤(程序PSPICE学生版原理图),打开“原理图”程序。   必须通过开始所有程序NationalInstruments电路设计套件11.0Multisim11.0这一步骤打开Multisim   1.2放置Op-Amp   在PSPICE中,用户需要打开“获取新部件”窗口,然后在描述框中搜索“opamp”。搜索到合适的型号后,将其连接到对应的设备符号上,然后单击“放置并关闭”。此时需要正确定向部件。双击Op-Amp,用户就可以设置相应的仿真参数。   在Multisim中放置部件: 1.选择放置部件。 2.在“选择部件”对话框中,按照下图红圈内的参数设置界面(图1)。图中选择的为模拟组中的模拟_虚拟类。 3.在“部件区域”中,选择OPAMP_3T_VIRTUAL(红圈)。 4.单击OK,在黄框内放置部件。 5.左击鼠标,在原理图区域放置OPAMP。 6.右击部件,选择“垂直翻转” 7.此时会出现图2所示的原理图。 图1选择部件界面 图2.运算放大器   1.3放置电阻和电容   在PSPICE中,此时已返回“使用获取新部件”,可在此搜索名称为“R”和“C”的部件(对应为电阻和电容)。当用户在原理图中放置了两个电阻和一个电容之后,需要双击各个部件设定及更改参数数值。   在Multisim中,放置电阻和电容: 1.选择放置部件。 2.在“选择部件”对话框中,按照红圈内给出的参数进行设置。图示为选择基本组和电阻类(见图3) 3.在“部件区域”中输入电阻值-本例中为2K(蓝色区域)。 4.单击OK,在黄框内放置部件。 5.左击鼠标,在原理图区域放置电阻。 6.同样返回至部件选择指南。 7.在“选择部件”对话框中,对应红圈内的参数进行设置。图示为选择基本组和电阻类。 8.在“部件区域”中输入电阻值-本例中为1K。 9.点击OK,在黄框内放置部件。 10.左击鼠标,在原理图区域放置电阻。 图3.放置电阻 11.选择放置部件。 12.在“选择部件”对话框中,对应红圈内参数进行设置。图示为选择基本组和电容类(图4)。 13.在“部件区域”中输入电容值-本例中为0.08u(蓝色区域)。 图4.放置电阻   14.用户的设计界面应如图5所示。 图5.第一阶段设计结束   2.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:增加电源部件   2.1增加电源和接地   在PSPICE中,现在已返回“使用获取新部件”界面,在此处搜索AC电压源(对应标识为VAC)。此处需要查找名为ACMAG的参数,即AC幅值。放置部件。然后搜索名为“GND_EARTH”的接地标识。   在Multisim中放置源: 1.选择放置部件。 2.在“选择部件”对话框中,按照对话框提示进行设置:选择源组和信号电压源类。 3.在“部件区域”选择交流电压,然后放置在原理图中。其预配置为1V。 4.选择放置部件。 5.在“选择部件”对话框中,按照对话框提示进行设置:选择源组和电源类。 6.在“部件区域”中,选择地,然后放置在原理图中。 7.此时的设计应如图6所示。 图6.第二阶段设计结束   3.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:接线部件   3.1接线过程   在PSPICE中,用户现在必须开始搜索并选择“绘制接线”按钮,或在绘图菜单中选择一个选项。此后方可连接不同节点。   Multisim采用无模式接线环境,允许用户方便绘制网络接线图: 1.在引脚附近悬停鼠标(如V1AC_Voltage源的+引脚)。鼠标靠近引脚时,会变成十字形图标。现在即可绘制到电阻R2的网络接线。 2.左击鼠标,会在引脚后出现红线。随着鼠标移动,红色网络(线)会随之移动。将红线移至另一部件引脚,然后左击完成连接。 3.重复利用该方法完成整个设计的接线,直至如图7所示。 图7.完成的原理图   4.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:设置仿真   4.1设定分析   在PSPICE中,用户现在就可以建立分析。分析设置需要设置节点名称,在单独“分析界面”中选择特定分析类型然后设置起始频率(StarFreq),截止频率(EndFreq),十倍频扫描点数(Pts/Decade),和扫描类型(十倍频)。   在Multisim中,过程略有简化。 1.选择仿真仪器测量探针 2.在电路输出点单击鼠标左键以放置探针。该节点此时命名为“Probe1”。 3.双击黄色区域,然后在“RefDes”中,将探针名称“探针1”更改为“Vout”(图8)。 图8.放置测量探针   4.选择仿真分析AC分析…此时已打开AC分析对话框。   5.设置“起始频率(FSTART)”为10   6.设置“截止频率(FSTOP)”为1,单位为MHz   7.设置“10倍频扫描点数”为101   8.设置“垂直刻度”为“对数”   5.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:运行仿真   5.1运行AC分析   在PSPICE中,为查看仿真数据,用户必须打开绘图窗口然后通过“添加画线”按钮或画线菜单,在坐标轴上绘制不同数值和不同参数。此外用户还须进行其它相关设置(如通过表达式创建对数坐标)。   在Multisim中,用户只需进行如下简单步骤:   1.在AC分析对话框,设置“垂直刻度”为“对数”   2.选中“输出”选项卡   3.在“电路变量”部分,选择参数“V(Vout)”。   4.单击添加按钮   5.单击仿真按钮。此时即可看到仿真数据(图9)。 图9.绘图仪中的仿真分析数据   6.为查找-3db点,首先须选择光标。首先在工具栏单击光标项。然后光标就会在Y轴顶端出现(图10所示的红框内) 图10.设置光标   7.右击Y轴上的绿色光标箭头。   8.选择设定Y值=   9.在值域内键入-3   10.单击Ok。光标就会自动移至-3dB点(图11)。 图11.-3dB点   6.0PSPICE过渡至Multisim教程:结语   恭喜您!经过本文一系列进阶步骤学习后,您现在已经可以使用Multisim进行原理图捕获和仿真了。   您也籍此了解了Multisim的一些简单功能。与PSPICE类似,许多高级功能用户也可轻松上手。使用Multisim最大特性就是,完成高级任务原来可以变得那么简单。
  • 热度 11
    2013-11-2 14:02
    2902 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Time:    2013-10-28 激励源: Pulse: Vname N1 N2 PULSE(V1 V2 TD Tr Tf PW Period) V1 - initial voltage;V2 - peak voltage; TD - initial delay time; Tr - rise time; Tf - fall time; pwf - pulse-wise; and Period - period.     Other sources such as polynominal controlled source, exponential source, FM-modulated source, etc. can be specified. For information on these components, check the SPICE manual. Pspice常用符号库文件: analog.olb: 模拟电路元件符号库 abm.olb:拓展元件符号库 breakout.olb:自定义模型元件符号库 connect.olb:电路连接器符号库 eval.olb:模/数电路元件符号库 port.olb:电路接口符号库 source.olb:源符号库 sourcestm.olb:激励源符号库 special.olb:特殊用途符号库 受控源: E:电压控制电压源 EPOLY:用线性多项式描述的电压控制电压源 F:电流控制电流源 FPOLY:用线性多项式描述的电流控制电流源 G:电压控制电流源 GPOLY:用线性多项式描述的电压控制电流源 H:电流控制电压源 HPOLY:用线性多项式描述的电压控制电流源    