一、首先将VDC 电阻 GND放置,然后连线,放置电流探针,如下图所示: 欧姆定律电路I=U/R
2. Select Voltage Source as Sweep Variable and specify the name as V1.
3. Specify the following values:
(1) Sweep type as Linear
(2)Start Value as 0
(3) End Value 25
(4) Increment as 1
4. Click OK and Simulate the circuit in PSpice.
5. Place Current marker as shown in the waveform.
Pspice电路仿真:二极管伏安特性分析( DC 扫描分析 )
首先,防止VDC和D1N4148如下图图一和图二; 图一