原创 How Can I Protect Myself From World of Warcraft Ke

2008-8-6 14:49 953 1 1 分类: 工程师职场

"World of Warcraft account security has become a huge issue lately and for right reason. WoW viruses, keyloggers, and other stuff that has been created to steal your account and all your gold and items. This issue has made me kinda nervous as well since my brother's account was recently hacked as well and he lost all his epic gear as well. Not fun at all but the good part is there are a few steps you can take to help prevent this from happening. First thing you want to do is to insure you have antivirus software and up-to-date antivirus information. This can be very easy to do and most of the time it can ""automagically"" be done as well. Next major thing really concerns the version of the web browser you are using. You always want to make sure it is up-to-date. Some people prefer to use Firefox over Internet Explorer as it seems most keyloggers are geared more towards IE than Firefox. Also keep this in mind as well….the most recent attack which got accounts stolen was taking advantage of a security hole in a version of IE which had a patch out for it about 6 months ago. Staying up-to-date will help greatly in keeping your account safe. The next obvious thing would be to keep your Microsoft Windows up-to-date as well, which can also be done automatically. When loading up World of Warcraft it would help your odds greatly if you always use the WoW Launcher. This isn't something you have to install manually. It is installed whenever you first installed World of Warcraft. These are just a few examples of different ways you can help protect yourself from getting hacked. They all do have a common theme running throughout which is stay updated! That will help decrease the chances of getting your account stolen by a keylogger Well sometimes blizzard doesn't even know what they're doing.

I got banned for ""abusing the wow economy"" which was totally insane considered that i didn't even do anything that was against the WoW terms of service. All i ever do is log online level on some monsters then log off. i just logged in one day and found my account banned! blizzard gives me the run around i even tried calling them, waited for 45 minutes just to hear the agent at the other end tell me email them instead! (Pretty inconsiderate of them…) Ok so I email them and filled out the form they gave me, waited for 1 and half weeks never received a reply and when i emailed to do a follow up they told me to fill out the form again and they will prioritize it, so after 2 more weeks of waiting i asked for another follow up, believe it or not they told me to FILL OUT THE FORM AGAIN AND THEY WILL PRIORITIZE IT! and this isn't even the funny part. The funny part was i created a trial account just to inform my guildmates that i got banned and am still waiting to get my account unbanned, next day i log back in to talk to them again, i found that account had been banned also and guess what the reason was…..THEY SAID THEY FOUND STRONG EVIDENCE THAT I SOLD MY ACCOUNT! I mean what the hell. It's a trial account! I can't sell it and no one would be crazy enough to buy it! " "I have also recently noticed the influx of people claiming they got banned when they did nothing wrong. I can see that accidents can happen on Blizzard's part I really doubt it does happen very often and probably about 99% of the people that say they were banned for no reason probably know exactly why they got banned but want to make Blizzard sound like a bad guy. We don't know much about the process that Blizzard uses to investigate the accounts being banned but we do know they investigate them.

They also are prepared to know that mistakes do happen once in awhile and if you believe your account was banned in error you can email them and they will be able to find any mistakes that way. The ultimate way to protect yourself from getting your account banned is to avoid doing things that violate the End User License Agreement and the Terms of Use. Reading and understanding this can ultimately protect your account by letting you know what you can and can not do. Here are the top things you must avoid if you don't want to possibly get your account banned: Selling gold Botting Hacking Spamming in-game chat Taking advantage of WoW exploits But remember, you can't take my word for it so if you are worried about it make sure to read through the Terms of Use and the End User License Agreement on the World of Warcraft website. I have been playing WoW since release and I have never had a problem with my account being banned for no reason, so don't worry about it. My acct was just perm closed and I have followed every single rule, every single term of service since we started playing back in '04. I originaly bought the game because my son was interested in it and I thought it would be good for him because he hates reading and he would have to read A LOT if he played. It has also helped with other areas in his learning..his school work has greatly improved. Anyway, here's MY beef: I am the ONLY one who knows the password and any other acct info. wow gold I sit and watch my 13 yr old while he's on so there's no room for problems. I know there are adults playing and he's so young, plus it gives us some good quality time together and I really enjoy watching him go~! (also, there's no room for error, ya can't get into too much trouble with your old Mom sittin' right there!) Well, in the guild where we play, there is a 15 yr old punk who constantly brags about his hacking abilities, he is always bragging about stealing this or that and that he hacked this acct and that acct… I gather from what I read, he has been forced out of almost every single play area because of his foul language and cheating and other problems. (We are members of a rather large guild so have no say-so on who is in it.) We just try to stay away from him and go about our own business. wow gold Well, it happened. We logged on, and there he was bragging about how he got into our acct and stole our gold. Sure enough, our gold was gone and there he was taking credit for it! How else would he know EXACTLY how much gold we'd had. wow !!. He told us! He told us exactly how much he had taken and what our password was!! I was FREAKING out! We do not know this person and there is no way he should/could know anything about our information! We reported it IMMEDIATELY and gave the user name of the braggart thief. Well, Bliz 'investigated', FOUND NOTHING WRONG!!! according to their form-letter email. wow gold HMMM… that's odd. The kid (if he really is a 15 yr old kid) was BRAGGING about it!! What could we do. !. mp3 player We weren't getting help from Blizzard and didn't want that idiot wreaking more havoc with our acct, So, I started changing password at each and every log on just to be double safe. Now mind you, I do NOT let my son enter the forums, because they say they aren't secure.

I do NOT purchase gold, as it is against the rules and besides, mining and EARNING gold is so much a part of the game!! I do NOT let any cheat websites get opened, they are parental controlled. I also have parental controls on our acct. wow gold because otherwise, I don't think my child would sleep! lol! so I know EXACTLY when/where/how my child is playing.






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