原创 How Do I Make 5,000 Gold Quickly For My Epic Flyin

2008-8-6 14:47 1246 1 1 分类: 工程师职场

"When most World of Warcraft players found out that they had to cough up 5,000 WoW gold for their Epic flying skill and mounts, they were dumbfounded. How could anyone come up with that much money. Some resorted to very desperate measures. Many risked getting banned and purchased the gold from a website at considerable cost. Some cheated. Some stole. One woman even sold her body for it. How can you get the 5,000 gold you need without going to these drastic measures. Most agree that one of the quickest and easiest way to earn a lot of gold is doing quests. Daily repeated quests were added to the game just for this purpose. Someone who has not purchased their Epic flying skill has six daily repeatable quests available to them. Doing these will take about one hour and earn you nearly 70 gold per day. If you hit level 70 without completing all available quests in the game, you may find it more fun, interesting, and productive to do those quests instead. While questing, it is good to save all the gray armor and weapons that you happen to pickup and sell them to a vendor. Also, if you do a quest that yields some kind of armor or weapon reward that you are not going to equip, take the time to look up which choice will earn the most gold from a vendor. Using these tactics it is quite possible for a simple quest to yield 20 gold. Above all, earning 5,000 gold for your Epic mount skill takes time, patience, and dedication. With those things you will be able to do it with as little pain as possible. should be simple enough. if you have problem with spending your vast funds without thinking (like me), then try this. try making a bank toon to keep your excess gold on and to handle all your auction house needs (this eliminates the cost of going back to your major city of choice).

using the ""out of sight, out of mind"" theory, you wont see your fortune piling up, and should be able to reliably avoid spending all your gold on useless items. this avoids the needs of spending the gold to get back to wherever you were (30 copper to mail something, over 50S to fly to said farming location). there is normally a mailbox near where the flight master happens to sit, and it may take a bit of time to send your items over (2.3 helped by allowing up to i think 5 items to be sent via mail), but it will actually save time due to the fact that by the time you would normally land and head over to the AH, you would already be back to the farming field getting [insert item farmed here] that much faster. using this method and farming large brilliant shards, i can easily crack 100+ gold an hour (i farm BRD, UD strat, DM, LBRS and to an extent UBRS). i hope this information helps you, as in less than a week i have boosted my coffers from 50G to 1130G, and when i finish my wintersaber grind, i'll be going gung-ho and getting a lot of gold. wow gold note: i am a lvl 70 rogue in tier 5 gear, some of the instances that i can solo are impossible to those in blue, as i tried doing strat when i first hit 70 (was mostly blues and greens) and got reminded of exactly how weak my gear was. let your gear tell you what you can farm. blues n greens - stick to things like dire maul and ST dungeon set 3 - if you can heal yourself or are a pet class, BRD and LBRS can be added to the list, paladins can try to solo strat at this time if they feel like experimenting kara epic - you can add scholo into the list, and to a degree most of strat.

i would advise staying away from cannon master at this point, and if you cannot stealth, you may have a hard time. SSC epic - you can now have UBRS and UD strat added to the list here. wow gold take note that you NEED 3 people to do UBRS, as that is what is required to summon the first boss (and thus open the door). most DPS classes can rout through here with fair ease, so you dont need a healer, it is just a nice thing to have. TK epic - all the lvl 60 and below instances become easier, you can think about farming blood furnace and ramparts on normal mode. hyjal epic - about the same as TK epic, things are just a bit easier BT epic - if you are a dps class and cannot farm ramps or BF by this time, you are doing something incredibly wrong " "The good thing about Blizzard being a huge company is that they have a lot of safeguards in place to help when an account is hacked. If you find that your account has been hacked and you no longer have access, the best thing to do is to get on Blizzard's web site and call their customer service phone number. cheap wow gold The agent that you speak to will ask you a series of questions that will take you through the information you used when you set up your account. They will also go through some security measures with you to ensure that you are the true owner of the account. Once the agent is satisfied that you are you, they will restore your account back to you. When your account is yours again, you need to go through your information on the World of Warcraft web site and change your password and any other security information so that it is different than before. wow gold Then, you need to check your characters. Chances are that if someone has hacked your account, then your characters will be deleted or stripped, so you may have to start all over with gold, armor, and other items. There really is not a lot that Blizzard can do to help you in this situation, so you may just be out all the goods and gold that you had. To safeguard against your account getting hacked, there are several things that you can do: Keep an up-to-date version of both spy ware and anti-virus programs that constantly scan your computer for problems. mp3 players NEVER give out your account information to ANYONE. This only compromises the security of your account, and you have no recourse if your characters are stripped. Change your password every month or more. wow gold This will help to keep hackers from figuring out your password. Make sure that you take any precautions that you can to ensure that your account is not hacked, and if you suspect that someone else has gotten into your account, report it immediately. Just wanted to chime in with my own comments..






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