Chapter 4 System Engineering
4.1 Overview
Although the system engineering subject
matter in this chapter may be applied towards a conventional engineering
development, the principals and practices presented here are intended to aide
the FPGA engineer in a Rapid System Prototyping design effort. We should first
define a common definition that is used throughout this chapter and book as to
the meaning of a rapid development effort. The definition of Rapid System
Prototyping; is “the development of system functionality at a faster pace than
that of a conventional engineering development process, aimed toward meeting
demanding time-to-market design cycles while mitigating risks associated with a
demanding development schedule.” This is what we mean by rapid system
development through out this book.
development requires an efficient and well organized undertaking of identified
design tasks. This chapter focuses on the specific decisions and actions that
may minimize development risk and schedule. Understand the concepts presented
can help designers avoid design issues that can slow the development cycle and
identify common design pitfalls.
technology can provide a significant advantage in speeding a design to final
tested functionality. While FPGAs are inherently flexible devices, issues may
arise due to this flexibility. Care must be taken during the design phase to maintain
and enhance this flexibility since this is the primary advantage an FPGA
provides. Maintaining an FPGA’s flexibility throughout the design cycle
requires focused effort on the part of the design team. With a medium amount of
additional up-front effort, an FPGA-based embedded design can maintain maximum
flexibility and adaptability.
第四章 系统工程开发方法
4.1 概述
FPGA 技术,由于其固有的灵活性,可以加速产品由功能实现到功能验证直到最终上市的过程。灵活性是FPGA的主要优势。因此,在产品设计阶段必须充分地考虑FPGA的灵活性,以最大化这一优势;设计团队也需要通力合作,在开发过程中自始至终地保持这一优势。只要增加适量的前期工作,基于FPGA的嵌入式设计就可以最大程度地保持其灵活性优势并避免灵活性带来的各种问题,从而获得广泛的应用。
coyoo 2009-6-15 12:11
ash_riple_768180695 2009-4-9 23:57
ilove314_323192455 2009-4-9 22:51