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1 老综述 A Survey of Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Methods
2 2015年新综述,具体方法可暂时忽略 A Practical Method for Implementing an Attitude and Heading Reference System
3 改进模型和EKF Improved State Estimation in Quadrotor MAVs A Novel Drift-Free Velocity Estimator
4 上一篇的补充 Analysis of an Improved IMU-Based Observer for Multirotor Helicopters
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6 另一种方法:几何方法互补滤波器,SO(3)观测器 Nonlinear Complementary Filters on the Special Orthogonal Group
7 2014最新的SO(3)观测器 Attitude Estimation in SO(3) A Comparative UAV Case Study
8 SO(3)-Constrained Kalman Filtering ACC-SO(3)-Constrained Kalman Filtering with Application to Attitude
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1.光流技术综述 A Survey of Optical Flow Techniques for Robotics Navigation Applications
2.视觉里程计综述 VisualOdometry1 VisualOdometry2
3.基于光流的视觉导航:从昆虫原理到迷你无人机 Optic Flow Based Visual Guidance_ From Flying Insects to Miniature Aerial Vehicles
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