bgs: whats diff bet set_max_capacitance and set_load? i dont know ans me: set_max_capacitance applies on pin not on pin and net but set_load applies capacitance constraint on both net and pin i.e whole output port gets loaded bgs: max cap of cell (pin) will be precalculated by lib vender whats the use of setting it again for higher value me: pin cap can vary based on fanout...using which u can control fanout bgs: what? me: ultimately u r trying to control fanout==>drive strength==>delay load cap==Cpin+Cnet either u try to model Cpin or Cnet or both together as u know gate delay=function of (input transition, Cload) where Cload=Cpin+Cnet hence we have set_max_cap and set_load bgs: 1 sec ....for example if i have and (a,b,y) im seting max cap for y as 2. but default value of y in lib is 1 will it violate *andgate(a,b,y) sud i keep set_max _cap on y me: yes....then tool tries to find a cell that meets your constraint bgs: oh yes its doing thanku one more thing doubt pls one more doubt pls me: no need to keep set_max_cap for each and every cell...its impossible... try to provide a moderate value so that tool take care of high fanout net synthesis bgs: what is diff between timing engine and timing engine PT me: DC target is to synthesize the code efficiently.....PT works exclusively on timing analysis DC-uses less accurate timing algorithm PT -uses Arnoldi algorithm which is synopsys patented and considered to be very accurate PT timing correllation with SPICE results are really great DC-no netlist editing facility PT can do netlist editing PT can do crosstalk analysis DC cant PT can do variation analysis DC cant bgs: get_allternate_cell is available in DC me: ya.... u can try to find altrenative cells thats all but ofcourse DC can do incremental compilation bgs: in DC flow if timing is not met will they change constraints or its fixed me: more important is with PT there are several designs successfully taped out !!!!! u have two options... improve ur HDL code....if still doesnt work..u have to change constraints itself ..but this is last option bgs: if constaints r not realistic? me: what u mean by realistic? bgs: for example u have clock period is 3 inputdelay is 2 me: input and out delays are always exceptional cases and those can controlled depending on external interfaces... bgs: ya ur ri8 me: bgs..... let me take a cup of coffeeee bgs: but timinig is not met me: i will come back later bgs: k carry on
18 minutes
me: u can shoot again.....but timinig is not met.....wht is the question
19 minutes
me: gayab??? bgs: ya im back my question was do i have n option of changing constraints if its not met as synthesis engineer what all constraints i can change ? me: welll.... frankly speaking we cant change constraints at logic synthesis stage (physical synthesis onwards we have a little control on constraints !!) with the available clock if u cant meet timing even after improvement in code, logic and data path optimizations in DC then the left option is to increase clock period itself ! bgs: do u mean to say clk source, n/w latency, uncertainity will given as spec me: as a part of spec u wont get latency etc....u will get only clock frequency...thats what u have to cahnge finally bgs: ya then can i play with uncertainity , input n output dely? max n min delay me: to certain extent.... provided that if u have back annotated info of similar designs implemented in previous designs.... but at first itself u have modeled everything based on previous design experiences... then u cant relax those constraints further bgs: what about drc constraints? can i change them me: u can provided if u dont have problem with timing and power and reliability ! bgs: k me: becuase ur timing may be ok but there may be drc that case power consumption can be more bgs: so if can i change constraints(not clk period ) n met timing me: and also imagine a person can carry 50kg... then he can go for 5 kms... now imagine same person is forced to carry 100 kg...can he walk 5kms (reliability issue)? bgs: hm me: if u have modeled ur constraints properly then there is no room to change it... but if u have over constrained the design at first then u got that case u can relax constraints bgs: k so in DC we play with constaints n fix them me: no..we play with data path optimizations and logic optimizations to achieve timing... we play with low vt cells and high vt cells to meet timing and power bgs: hey that we do in PT me: but remember...PT is mainly used for analysis PT wont do any optimization by itself bgs: k, in dc we make sure violation is clear then y PT? me: as i said PT timing engine is more robust.... more accurate compared to DC..hence get clearance from PT as well bgs: ok one more doubt yar in pt im geting some violation what all option i have other than swap cell to clear violation me: size the cell before sizing try to see bottleneck cost see the depth of data path...if it is large then probably it is better to send the netlist back to synthesis stage for data path optimizations bgs: size the cell is increasing drive strength only na r some thing else? me: u can increase or decrease...depending on the delay offered by the cell... also u can add buffers just before a cell which is causing larger delay.. also recalculate path delay with true path analysis... this u can get with path inspector bgs: how to add buffer i have not tryed that option what does recalculate path delay with true path analysis... do? me: get_recalculated_timing_paths -from xyz -to abc insert_buffer/remove_buffer bgs: what does this do buy recalculating timing path? me: u have to provide buffer name and cell name bgs: by* when will we use get_recalculated_timing_paths -from xyz -to abc me: if u have small violations and less number of violations then use recalcu*** bgs: k thanku so much me: what happens in general is while calculating delays worst delay corresponding to different timing arc is considered hence timing analysis becomes pessimistic.... to make it more accurate tell the tool to calculate timing based on actual true timing arcs when u do this u may not get any that case u can tape out !!!!! hey bgs ....i am leaving now.... see u tomorrow for any more questions..... hope u r happy now with so many cleared doubts.. bgs: hey thanks yar u gave ur valuable time!!! ya im :-