Hello guys, welcome to Thepowerlevel! Today I will introduce Movement and Hunting/Fighting in Shaiya to you that I got it from other website, hope you like it, here we go:
1. Movement in Shaiya:
Movement within the world of Shaiya(Shaiya Gold) is very simple. To move your character to a location you have two options. Then Shaiya Money is cool for your character.
Option 1 - Point and Click method. Simply click on a location you wish your character to run to and they will. Hold down the right mouse button to look around the world. You can also do this using the arrow keys on your keyboard. By the way, we also have professional Shiaya powerleveling service for your character.
Option 2 - Shaiya also supports 'W' 'A' 'S' 'D' movement as well. Pressing 'W' will move your character forward, 'S' will move them backward, 'A' will turn your character to the left, 'D' will turn your character to the right, 'Q' will make your character strafe left, and 'E' will make your character strafe right.
Double tapping 'W' will make your character run forward until you stop them by pressing a key again. Double tapping 'Q', 'S', or 'E' will make your character leap through the air in an acrobatic display. The Space Bar makes your character jump. If you ever get stuck or want to be instantly transported to the nearest City, simply type /return into your chat window and press Enter.
2. Hunting and fighting in Shaiya:
When an enemy is on the screen you can attack them by placing your mouse cursor over them. When the cursor turns into a sword you can click on them once to target them. You can now either cast a spell or use a skill to attack your enemy, or simply click on them again to perform your normal attack.