原创 Creating the correct code

2013-6-27 18:27 1541 23 23 分类: 消费电子

I recently got back from three weeks overseas. Despite daily trying to keep up with email, some just has to be done from the office; other items are less important and not worth dealing with from the road. So my e-mail inbox is stuffed to explosively-dangerous levels, the desk piled high with papers needed attention, and the voicemail is, well, happily minimal. E-comm has, for me at least, almost entirely replaced the phone over the last decade or so.

A couple of coding themes have popped up, though, from reading clients' code and e-mail from various correspondents.

First is an increasing trend I'm seeing where developers rely on an exquisite knowledge of precedence rules in C, usually inside of if statements. A generic example:

if( variable1 operator1 variable2 operator2 variable3)do_something;

Absent parenthesis to group elements of this expression, the result may be very surprising. The statement:

if( variable1 & variable2 == variable3)do_something;

probably won't do what is expected. Ditto for:

if( variable1 < variable2 < variable3)do_something;

I strongly believe in using parenthesis in any instance where there is the slightest possibility of confusion. Cost: zero. Benefit: possibly saving a lot of debugging and maintenance time.

(In fact, the code I read while traveling incorrectly combined operators and was the source of a long-lurking bug. That "exquisite knowledge precedence rules" was sorely lacking. There's a lot of complexity to the C standard, and it's a bad idea to assume one's own perfect understanding, or that of a colleague or future maintainer).

Another construct that keeps surfacing looks something like:

#define TIME 28*60 // Comment of some sort
// This value may not exceed
                     // 1800, for some reason

The good news is that the max limit is carefully commented. Assume that TIME is defined in seconds; 28*60 is not a bad way to express 28 minutes in a clear way. However, this construct puts the burden of proving 28*60 < 1800 on the developer; later hurried changes, say editing 28 to 31 to meet some requirements change, will bust the limit. Add this:

#if TIME > 1800 // Enforce the 1800 second limit
#error TIME exceeds 1800 seconds

Now the compiler will enforce the limit. (Some may encode the 1800 into its own #define).

Further, TIME is a terrible name; since it has units, those units should be encoded in the name so later code doesn't confuse seconds with minutes, hours, or fortnights. Better: TIME_SECONDS. (I was at an Ada convention in Berlin on this trip; the careful use of Ada's strong typing makes such a mistake impossible.)

Finally, frequent correspondent Bandit sent this link: http://imranontech.com/2007/01/24/using-fizzbuzz-to-find-developers-who-grok-coding/. Turns out, a scary number of developers can't construct the simplest programs in an interview test. Frankly, at first I thought the article a troll as such incompetence seems unlikely. Readers' comments though, in many cases prove the thesis.

Surely there are others are far more capable than that article suggests.




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