原创 Where is Tensilica going?

2012-10-15 20:11 1661 16 16 分类: 消费电子

The recent news that their licensees have shipped 2 billion IP cores is obviously a reason for rejoicing at Tensilica's world-wide command center.

So, if you have had occasion to stroll past Tensilica's corporate headquarters and R&D center in Santa Clara, California, recently, you may have wondered at the "For Lease" sign planted firmly in front of the building.



What? How can this be? What is going on? In these days of doom and gloom, it's common to see this sort of thing and assume a worse-case scenario.

But fear not my braves, because there is nothing to fear but fear itself (as my dear old dad used to tell me). A little bird tells me that things are going so swimmingly well at Tensilica that they've been hiring furiously, with the result that the current building is bursting at the seams (I hear dire tales of people working out of conference rooms and crammed into closets).

Thus, on 20 October 2012 (just a few days' time as I pen these words), we will be seeing a mass exodus from Tensilica's current building as the little scamps all move down the road into a brand-spanking new facility.



If only I had the time, on moving day I would take a lawn chair and some cold drinks and ensconce myself on the lawn outside the new building and cheer them on their way. Sad to relate, however, I am up to my armpits in alligators fighting fires without a paddle (I never metaphor I didn't like), so I will just have to wish them all the best from the comfort of the pleasure dome (my office).




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