原创 These left my mind reeling!

2012-10-17 20:05 1472 18 18 分类: 消费电子

Some days are indeed stranger than others. For example, I've just been copied on a series of emails that have left my mind reeling.

It all started with an email whose subject line was "Allergic to cats?" Inside this email was the following image, which certainly made my eyes water...



Someone responded with an email containing another unusual image as shown below accompanied by a message saying "This was seen at the CPhI show here in Madrid ... can anyone suggest an appropriate caption?"



Well, as you can imagine, this sparked a flurry of email activity, with suggestions ranging from "Getting to the bottom of skin grafts" to "Porker? I hardly even knew her!" to "PharmASSeutical," "PharmaSOWtical," and "PharMOUSEutical" (all of which are rather clever, I have to agree ... much better than anything I could come up with).

However I have to admit that my personal favorite was "A pig, a mouse, and two asses walk into a bar..."

But wait, there's more, because then someone responded with a stop-motion video of a Lego version of the Titanic sinking (quite moving with the haunting music).

And this is the point when things started to get very silly indeed. I don't have the time for all of this. I really will have to ask my 83 year old mother and her friends from church to remove me from their email distribution list!



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