原创 IoT4EE could change everything

2015-3-21 11:16 2542 18 19 分类: 消费电子

I just had an epiphany. It didn't hurt though so don't worry. I was sitting down at the time. This is all to do with the Internet of Things (IoT).


I know that the IoT is a buzz-word everyone is throwing around these days, but I firmly believe that -- in the very near future -- the underlying concepts embodied in the IoT are going to change just about every aspect of our lives.


So, the root of my epiphany is this: from a 30,000 foot perspective, the IoT can be viewed as two separate beasts -- the Internet itself, and the "things" that are connected to it. What? You think that's obvious? You want more? OK, take a deep breath and hold onto your hat, because here we go...


The IoT is jolly exciting whichever way you look at it. We are seeing new developments on an almost daily basis with regard to sensor technology (including sensor hubs and sensor fusion) and incredibly low power microcontrollers. We're becoming acquainted with concepts like "processing on the edge" and "security on the edge," where "the edge" refers to the nodes that are interfacing with the real world, observing (sensing) things and controlling them. And, of course, we're also seeing major strides with regard to things like The Cloud and Big Data.


There is just one small fly in the soup, as it were. Up until now, most people tend to think of the "things" part of the IoT as being CBTFFUBTM.


Of course you don’t know what CBTFFUBTM means -- I just made it up. It stands for "Created by the few for use by the many." What I mean by this is that -- generally speaking -- creating an intelligent, wireless-enabled "thing" for use with the IoT requires a lot of expertise and knowledge. The end result is that most of us take it for granted that any capriciously cunning "things" have to be conceived, designed, and deployed by unkempt, badly dressed, socially inept embedded systems designers with size-16 brains (the ones with "go faster" stripes on the sides).


But all of this is about to change, because we are starting to see emerging tools and technologies that support the concept of the IoT4EE (the Internet of Things for Everyone and Everything). The idea is that anyone -- Engineers, Artists, Makers, Dreamers (even the French) -- should be able to conceive and create their own "things" for use with the IoT.


Of course, anything sounds easy if you say it fast enough and wave your arms around a lot, but IoT4EE tools and technology really are here. Take the folks at RF Digital, who are pioneers in IoT4EE Space (where no one can hear you scream). These little scamps have created something called Simblee, which turns out to be one of the most amazing things I've seen all week. Actually, the Simblee moniker encompasses a whole range of things, including the Simblee Cloud, the Simblee Ecosystem, and Simblee Modules. Below we see a Simblee BLE Module, which is tiny in size (10mm x 7mm x 2.2mm) and awesome in potential.




Now, the interesting thing here is that -- just a few minutes ago as I pen these words -- a package arrived in my office from the folks at RF Digital. As you can see in this video, this is a rather impressive package for a module that purports to be the size of one's thumbnail.



It may be that the folks at RF Digital pride themselves on their packaging skills. Alternatively, it could be that one of the minions at RF Digital's top-secret underground command and control bunker is over-enthusiastic (and/or over-caffeinated). As soon as I finish writing and posting this blog I will investigate further; all I can say is that I am squirming in excitement and prolonging the moment.


I truly believe that IoT4EE technology like the Simblee is going to change the way we think about the IoT. If you want to learn more, check out this blog I posted earlier, which explains things in excruciating detail.


When you discover just how cunning these little rascals are (I'm talking about the Simblee concept in general and Simblee Modules in particular, not the folks at RF Digital, although now I come to think about it…), I think you'll be joining me in thinking of all sorts of "things" we can build for use with the IoT. I certainly know what I'm going to be doing this coming weekend!




用户1406868 2015-3-27 21:50

"unkempt, badly dressed, socially inept embedded systems designers"

-- what a jerk this "Clive" is....

用户1406868 2012-4-2 12:15

Noted,thanks for share

用户1602177 2011-11-8 14:15


用户1550752 2011-11-8 10:54


用户1381783 2011-11-7 16:38


用户1393457 2011-11-7 09:48


用户1630869 2011-11-5 23:06

用户1010725 2011-11-5 08:03

老百姓关注的是性价比!智能手机的功能,打工者的身价,才是永远不会out的创新。 以前,没有对比,仅仅打打电话,Nokia还能够拉住一部分用户。现在,智能手机出现后,Nokia的手机性价比明显落伍,怎能不out ???

用户1381176 2011-11-5 02:41

nikia在大家的心目中还很好的。 只是智能手机这么多,买nokia的少 。。

用户1626351 2011-11-4 18:30

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