原创 Conversations with a caveman

2015-6-25 21:43 1761 22 23 分类: 消费电子

I once had meandering musings from a few years ago about constructing a Caveman Diorama in an old television set. Sad to relate, things became stalled for a while, the problem being that I had no clue how to set about building the cave itself.


Well, as you may recall, my wife (Gina The Gorgeous) is a blond-haired goddess realtor. A few weeks ago she met a couple who were ambling around looking at houses. It turns out that the husband -- we'll call him Mike (because that's his name) -- creates monster model railroad dioramas as a hobby (check out Mike's Website to see photos of his creations). Mike wants to learn how to use an Arduino to control things like his streetlights, traffic lights, and houselights; I want to learn how to make the cave for my diorama; it's "a marriage made in heaven," as they say.


Mike and I have started to meet up on Saturday mornings in my office. We kick off with a brief hands-on lesson about microcontrollers, and then move on to constructing my diorama. Below we see a rough sketch showing my vision for the future of this little scamp (by which I mean my diorama, not Mike).



Our perspective is that we're looking through the TV screen into the back of the cave. The entrance to the cave is located toward the back of the TV set. Through this entrance we see a depiction of mountains and trees and sky, all of which will be displayed on a flat screen computer monitor, thereby allowing me to have special effects like lightning and the moon crossing the sky and meteor showers and suchlike.


There will be a group of people sitting around a fire in the middle of the cave. Most of them will be cavemen, but yours truly will also be there in my Hawaiian shirt (an H.G. Wells-esque time machine in the corner of the cave will explain my presence).


One problem I faced was how to create the figures themselves. I've decided to work at 1:32 scale, so a 6' man will be 2.25" tall. Then, yesterday, I discovered the creations of Leonardo Torricini on his Phersu Miniatures website. Leonardo's work spans time and space, from Etruscan warriors to characters from Monty Python's Holy Grail. Of particular interest to me are his Prehistoric Cavemen and Animals figures and dioramas.



Leonardo typically works at 1:72 scale, but on occasion he's created models at 1:32 scale, such as these Etruscan characters. We are currently bouncing emails back and forth with regard to Leonardo crafting the figures for my diorama.


But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about... The reason I'm waffling on about it here is that I also plan on including sound effects, such as the wind blowing on a frisky day, rolls of thunder on a stormy night, and so forth.


In particular, if you listen carefully, you'll hear a background conversation taking place between the characters sitting around the campfire. Most of this will be in caveman-ese, of course, but every now and then you'll hear my dulcet tones regaling the assembled throng with some astute and pertinent tidbit of trivia or nugget of knowledge like: "Corr Blimey, it's #$%%^* cold in here!"


My comments will be appropriate to the time of day and the season. During the summer, for example, I might make mention of the advantages of air conditioning and the joys of ice cream; throughout the winter months, I may note the benefits associated with thermal underwear; and during a storm, I could explain the well-known fact that lightning and thunder are caused by Thor the god of thunder.


When nothing particularly interesting is happening, I might comment on random and diverse topics, such as how the taste of mammoth burgers would be much improved by a dash of Heinz Tomato Ketchup and a squirt of French's Yellow Mustard, or the inadvisability of transporting ferrets in one's loincloth (as I'm sure we've all discovered to our cost).


So, this is the point where I hand things over to you. Are there any visual effects and/or sound effects that you think I should add to my diorama? And can you think of anything I could be / should be dropping into the conversation (please make note of the time, season, and context)?




用户1406868 2015-10-23 13:33

Thanks for the ideas you have shared here. One more thing I would like to esprexs is that computer system memory requirements generally rise along with other advancements in the engineering. For instance, as soon as new generations of processor chips are brought to the market, there's usually a related increase in the type demands of both laptop memory in addition to hard drive space. This is because the program operated by these cpus will inevitably boost in power to take advantage of the new technologies.

用户1277994 2012-12-27 15:12


用户1061540 2012-12-21 01:17



  假设负载用2欧,恒流想是8A,则R8上的压降是0.44V。晶体管的BE电压大约是1.3V,于是Vb约1.74V。为了使晶体管工作在放大区,Vc至少要比Vb大一点,假如大2V。这样一来,Vc就到了3.7V。 于是,落在R6上的电压只有18-3.7=14.3V。这个电压只可能使2欧电阻里的电流等于7.15A,而到不了8A。R6减小一点后,电流就到了8A。



用户1061540 2012-12-21 01:16






用户1608584 2012-12-19 10:38

楼主,你这个15V和18V的地要共地的,你这样接的话,肯定不行啦。另外,我有些同志说三极管要处在放大区,请看清楚电路了,R8反馈的电压连接到运放IC的2脚,2脚电压如果小于3脚,运放6脚才会有电压输出,当2脚电压大于3脚,则6脚输出为零,如此反复,也就是说6脚会不断输出0101..所以三极管不能工作在放大区,只能工作在饱和区,这个电路才能起到恒流做用。原理就跟PWM做恒压恒流差不多。 需要给楼主的建议: 1.15V和18V 电源要共地; 2.三极管用MOSE管; 3.R8的电压再经过一个运放做的同比例放大器放大一定倍数(楼主自己去计算,很容易的),再接到2脚; 4.3脚的电压最好是计算好再接精密微调电阻,不要乱调一通,这个3脚电压要计算的!

sky8308_885409302 2012-12-18 17:51


用户1206355 2012-12-15 10:56


william.tell_522917087 2012-12-15 10:53

对这个话题,在技术方面我也有很多看法。但比技术观点更想说的是,楼主和小编能不能给这个话题做个结论?哪怕是做个小结,然后再讨论更深一层也好? 有些话题,诸如“好工程师是否来自好学校”是很难有结论的,见仁见智的,那就不必下结论,只要引人深思就好。但这个话题本身是来源于实际工作的,而且是可以得出确切结论的话题。为什么不能得出结论呢? 楼主把问题提出来了,众多网友出谋划策,都很热心,但楼主得到回答后却连屁都不放一个,连个谢字都不说,这会让众多网友很寒心,简直像热脸贴到冷屁股上那种感觉。类似楼主这样的网友我碰到过几次,所以现在都懒得回答网友问题。长此以往,还有人愿意回答吗? 小编把网友的回答做了个归纳后,能不能总结一下呢?据我看来,网友回答中,有对有错。小编能不能去伪存真,把对的拿出来,把错的指明?仅仅是把网友的回答重复一遍,小编你的工作也太好做了。 类似这样的问题,论坛里太多了。我们推崇百家争鸣,百花齐放,江湖各派都可以各抒己见。但是,小编你作为东道主,作为这个论坛的主人,可不可以多尽点职责?

用户1608584 2012-12-15 09:28


handong123123_906892115 2012-12-14 09:23

1、Ana: 你的观点我持怀疑态度。OP类放大器是一种较好的廉价放大器,在很多场合都会用到,而不是像你说的更像比较器。再者这个电路是闭环的,不是开环。 2、虽然MJ11032的放大倍数可以做到很大,但是在大电流的情况下一定要考虑到IB的大小,所以建议调整IB测试 3、要想使三极管工作在放大区而不接近饱和区,电路的负载放错了,负载放到C极三极管更容易工作在饱和区,所以可以将负载放到E极。
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