原创 What are the major factor which could trigger re-spin?

2013-3-13 21:53 3207 19 21 分类: 消费电子

Dear Readers,

I have been hearing on re-spins of chips. Many companies have gone through this painful phase because of several reason/defects. Nobody likes re-spin for chip as it is expensive and time consuming! Companies have a fear to loose time to market for their products because of this reason.
Let us understand the various factors which could cause re-spin for chips. If you ask industry experts or Semiconductor veterans they could share their experience. I have been discussing this topic with couple of people and have concluded few factors which could cause re-spin.
  1. Firmware Issues
  2. Power Issues
  3. Mixed-Signal Interface related Issues
  4. Race Condition Issues
  5. Clocking domain Issues
  6. Functional Issue etc...
From the experience and discussion it looks like most of the time Function Issues/defects have triggered a re-spin for the Chips. When we talk about functional issues, attention comes to our mind is for functional logic verification part. Considering complexities in the ASICs companies have started investing time and money for the functional verification part of the Chips to reduce the chances of re-spin.
To reduce the chances of re-spin for chips, people have started using various precautions like
1. A reusable and scalable verification
2. More effective block (IP) level verification.
3. Verification reuse from block level to System level
4. Constraint Random Verification approach
5. Architecture of test bench using reusable methodologies

Random functional verification is giving us a enough confidence on functional defects. Random verification generates corner scenarios, stress testing on functional scenarios and logical permutation for configuration.

Random verification just gives us a confidence on functional defects but not giving us confirmation that Chip will not have to go through re-spin because of any of the functional issue.
Share your experience on Chip re-spin.
Happy Reading-Sharing,
ASIC With Ankit



用户1544947 2014-9-17 12:17


用户1688907 2014-8-1 12:45

用户1688907 2014-7-14 16:17

用户1688907 2014-7-7 18:18

方案简介】 (1)Mi.light遥控LED灯系统,采用2.4G高频无线、微触按键遥控控制,具有功耗低,传输距离远,空中通讯速率高,抗干扰性更强,稳定性更高,灯体响应一致性很好 等等特点;遥控器外形时尚美观,功能实用简单;采用目前最先进的PWM(脉宽调制)控制技术;

用户1688907 2014-6-30 12:03

【方案简介】 (1)Mi.light遥控LED灯系统,采用2.4G高频无线、微触按键遥控控制,具有功耗低,传输距离远,空中通讯速率高,抗干扰性更强,稳定性更高,灯体响应一致性很好 等等特点;遥控器外形时尚美观,功能实用简单;采用目前最先进的PWM(脉宽调制)控制技术;无线电发射频率:2400-2483.5MHz(2.4G),全球通用;遥控距离20~30米。 (2)具有调光、调色温、小夜灯模式等等功能;在遥控范围内,一个遥控器可以控制无数个LED灯,而且同步性、一致性很好。将不同的灯分到不同的组,最多分4组,自由分组......

用户1688907 2014-6-24 16:57

用户1688907 2014-6-17 17:49

用户1688907 2014-6-3 16:47


用户1406868 2013-3-19 22:51

Nice article, i would like to add one more point, Quality of test plan give us more confidence irrespective of methodology following because we can ensure bt coverage, Quality of ur test plan always proportional to Quality of product.




用户1406868 2013-3-19 22:41

Quality of test plan give us more confidence irrespective of methodology, in my point of view beacause we will ensure it by coverage.

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