原创 ARM与x86--参考文献

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[108] ARM Ltd.[2004-10-19]. ARM Introduces The Cortex-M3 Processor To Deliver High Performance In Low-Cost Applications.
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[112] Nadav Levisona and Shlomo Weiss[2010-10]. Branch target buffer design for embedded processors. Microprocessors and Microsystems Volume 34, Issue 6, October 2010, Pages 215-227.
[113] ARM Ltd.[2007-10-03]. ARM Unveils Cortex-A9 Processors For Scalable Performance and Low-Power Designs.
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[116] ARM Ltd.[2010-09-08]. ARM Unveils Cortex-A15 MPCore Processor to Dramatically Accelerate Capabilities of Mobile, Consumer and Infrastructure Applications.
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[120] David Flynn, Rob Aitken, Alan Gibbons and Kaijian Shi[2007]. Low Power Methodology Manual For System-on-Chip Design. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-71818-7.
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[126] Milica Miti? and Mile Stoj?ev[2006]. A Survey of Three System-on-Chip Buses: AMBA, CoreConnect and Wishbone.
[127] ARM Ltd.[2010-03-08]. ARM AMBA 4 Specification Maximizes Performance and Power Efficiency.
[128] Anand Lal Shimpi[2010-05-04]. Intel Unveils Moorestown and the Atom Z600, The Fastest Smartphone Platform? Anandtech.
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[130] Sylvie Barak[2010-07-07]. Battle of the chip platforms - Intel vs. ARM in the mobile space. Rcrwireless.



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