原创 为AM335x移植Linux内核主线代码(13)使用MDIO查看PHY芯片AR8031

2014-11-27 15:47 4369 11 11 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式 文集: Linux Kernel的DTS


20043100 20247949 2044004d 2064d074 20841de1 20a40000 20c40004 20e42801
21040000 21240200 21440000 21640000 21840000 21a40000 21c40000 21e4a000
22040862 22240010 22440000 22640000 2284082c 22a40000 22c404e8 22e40000
23043200 23243000 23440000 23640600 23840000 23a40000 23c482ee 23e48100


=========> Offset: 0x00 Value: 0x3100 <=========
Control Register - Copper Page
RESET = 0,不在复位状态,Normal operation;写1将使芯片软件复位;
LOOPBACK = 0,不使用Loopback;
SPEED SELECTION = 1,它和bit6(此处为0)组成speed选择,所以是100Mbps;
AUTO_NEGOTIATION = 1,采用Auto-Negotiation Process;
POWER_DOWN = 0,不在Power down状态,Normal operation;
ISOLATE = 0,不使用Isolate,Normal operation;
RESTART_AUTO_NEGOTIATION = 0,不使用Restart Auto-Negotiation Process;
DUPLEX_MODE = 1,使用FULL Duplex;
COLLISION_TEST = 0,禁用COL signal test;
SPEED_SELECTION = 0,它和bit13(此处为1)组成speed选择,所以是100Mbps;
RES = 00000,总是为00000;

=========> Offset: 0x01 Value: 0x7949 <=========
Status Register - Copper Page
100BASE-T4 = 0,不具备100BASE-T4功能;
100BASE-X Full-Duplex = 1,具备100-Tx Full Duplex功能;
100BASE-X Half-Duplex = 1,具备100-Tx Half Duplex功能;
10Mbps Full-Duplex = 1,具备10Base-T full duplex功能;
10Mbps Half-Duplex = 1,具备10Base-T half duplex功能;
100BASE-T2 Full-Duplex = 0,不具备100BASE-T2功能;
100BASE-T2 Half-Duplex = 0,不具备100BASE-T2功能;
Extended Status = 1,Extended status information in register15(总为0?);
Reserved = 0;
MF Preamble Suppression = 1,使用management frames with preamble suppressed;
Auto-Negotiation Complete = 0,未完成自动谈判;
Remote Fault = 0,未检测到fault condition;
Auto-Negotiation Ability = 1,具备auto negotiation功能;
Link Status = 0,没有建立Link;
Jabber Detect = 0,未检测到Jabber condition;
Extended Capbility = 1,Extended register capabilities;

=========> Offset: 0x02 Value: 0x004d  <=========
PHY Identifier
Organizationally Unique Identifier Bit 3:18. Always 16'h004d;

=========> Offset: 0x03 Value: 0xd074  <=========
PHY Identifier2
Organizationally Unique Identifier Bit 3:18. Always 16'hd0xx;

=========> Offset: 0x04 Value: 0x1de1  <=========
Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register - Copper Page
Next Page = 0. Not advertised.
Ack = 0. Must be 0.
Remote Fault = 0. Do not set Remote Fault bit.
xnp_able = 1. Local device supports transmission of extended next pages.
Asymmetric Pause = 1. Asymmetric Pause;
PAUSE = 1. MAC PAUSE implemented.
100BASE-T4 = 0. Not able to perform 100BASE-T4.
100BASE-TX Full Duplex = 1. Advertised.
100BASE-TX Half Duplex = 1. Advertised.
10BASE-TX Full Duplex = 1. Advertised.
10BASE-TX Half Duplex = 1. Advertised.
Selector field = 00001. 802.3. Always 00001.

=========> Offset: 0x05 Value: 0x0000  <=========
Link Partner Ability Register - Copper Page
Next Page = 0. Link partner not capable of next page.
Ack = 0. Link parter does not have Next Page ability.
Remote Fault = 0. Link partner has not detected remote fault.
Reserved = 0.
Asymmetric Pause = 0. Link partner does not request asymmetirc pause.
PAUSE = 0. Link partner is not capable of pause operation.
100BASE-T4 = 0. Link partner is not 100BASE-T4 capable.
100BASE-TX Full Duplex = 0. Link partner is not 100BASE-TX full-duplex capable.
100BASE-TX Half Duplex = 0. Link partner is not 100BASE-TX half-duplex capable.
10BASE-TX Full Duplex = 0. Link partner is not 10BASE-T full-duplex capable.
10BASE-TX Half Duplex = 0. Link partner is not 10BASE-T half-duplex capable.
Selector Field = 00000. Received Code Word Bit 4:0.

=========> Offset: 0x06 Value: 0004  <=========
Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register - Copper Page
Reserved = 00000000000B. Must be 00000000000B.
Paraller Detection fault = 0. No fault has been detected.
Link partner next page able = 0. Link partner is not next page able.
Local Next Page able = 1. Local Device is Next Page able.
Page received = 0. No new page has been received.
Link Partner Auto-negotiation able = 0. Link partner is not auto negotiation able.

=========> Offset: 0x07 Value: 0x2801  <=========
Next Page Transmit Register - Copper Page
Next Page = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Message page mode = 1.
Ack2 = 0.
Toggle = 1.
Message/Unformatted Field = 00000000001B.

=========> Offset: 0x08 Value: 0x0000  <=========
Link Partner Next Page Register - Copper Page
Next Page = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Message page mode = 0.
Ack2 = 0.
Toggle = 0.
Message/Unformatted Field = 00000000000B.

=========> Offset: 0x09 Value: 0x0200  <=========
1000Base-T Control Register
Test mode = 000B. Normal Mode.
Master/Slave Manual configuration Enable = 0. Automatic configuration.
Master/Slave configuration = 0. Manual configure as SLAVE.
Port Type = 0. Prefer single port device.
1000BASE-T Full Duplex = 1. Advertise.
1000BASE-T Half-Duplex = 0. Not advertised.
Reserved = 00000000B.

=========> Offset: 0x0A Value: 0x0000  <=========
1000Base-T Status Register
Master/Slave Configuration Fault = 0. No fault detected.
Master/Slave Configuration Resolution = 0. Local PHY configuration resolved to Slave.
Local Receiver Status = 0. Local Receiver Not OK.
Remote Receive Status = 0. Remote Receiver not OK.
Link Partner 1000Base-T Full Duplex Capability = 0. Not capable.
Link Partner 1000Bsse-T Half Duplex Capability = 0. Not capable.
Reserved = 00B.
Idle Error Count = 00000000B. MSB of Idle Error Counter. Not roll over.

=========> Offset: 0x0D Value: 0x0000  <=========
MMD Access Control Register
Function = 00B. address.
Reservid = 000000000B.
DEVAD = 00000B. Device address.

=========> Offset: 0x0E Value: 0x0000  <=========
MMD Access Address Data Register
Address data = 00B.

=========> Offset: 0x0F Value: 0xa000  <=========
Extended status Register
1000BASE-X Full Duplex = 1. PHY not able to perform 1000BASE-X Full Duplex.
1000BASE-X Half Duplex = 0. PHY not able to perform 1000BASE-X Half Duplex.
1000BAST-T Full Duplex = 1. PHY able to perform 1000BASE-T Full Duplex.
1000BASE-T Half-Duplex = 0. PHY not able to perform 1000BASE-T Half Duplex.
Reserved = 000000000000B.

=========> Offset: 0x10 Value: 0x0862  <=========
Function control Register
Reserved = 0000B.
Assert CRS on Transmit = 1. assert on Transmitting or receiving.
Force_link = 0. Normal mode.
Reserved = 000B.
MDI Crossover Mode = 11B. Enable automatic crossover for all modes.
Reserved = 00B.
SQE Test = 0. SQE test disabled.
Polarity Reversal = 1. Polarity Reversal Disbled.
Disable Jabber = 0. Enable jabber function.

=========> Offset: 0x11 Value: 0x0010  <=========
PHY-Specific Status Regiter - Copper Page
Speed = 00B. 10Mbps.
Duplex = 0. Half-duplex.
Page Received (real-time) = 0. Page not received.
Speed and Duplex Resolved = 0. Not resolved.
Link = 0.  Link down.
Reserved = 000B.
MDI Crossover Status = 0. MDI.
Wirespeed downgrade = 0.
Reserved = 1.
Transmit Pause Enable = 0. Transmit pause disabled.
Receive Pause Enable = 0. Receive pause disabled.
Polarity (real time) = 0. Normal.
Jabber (real time) = 0. No jabber.

=========> Offset: 0x12 Value: 0x0000  <=========
Interrupt Enable Register
Auto-Negotiation Error = 0.
Speed Changed = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Page Received = 0.
Link Fail Interrupt = 0.
Link Success Interrupt = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Link_fail_bx = 0.
Link_success_bx = 0.
MDI Crossover Changed = 0.
Wirespeed-downgrade Interrupt = 0.
int_10ms_ptx = 0.
Int_rx_ptp = 0.
Int_tx_ptp = 0.
Polarity Changed = 0.
int_wol_ptp = 0.

=========> Offset: 0x13 Value: 0x0000  <=========
Interrupt Status Register
Auto-Negotiation = 0.
Speed Changed = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Page Received = 0.
Link Fail Interrupt = 0.
Link Success Interrupt = 0.
Reserved = 0.
Link_fail_bx = 0.
Link_success_bx = 0.
MDI Crossover Changed = 0.
Wirespeed downgrade Interrupt = 0.
int_10ms_ptx = 0.
Int_rx_ptp = 0.
Int_tx_ptp = 0.
Polarity Changed= 0.
int_wol_ptp = 0.

=========> Offset: 0x14 Value: 0x082c  <=========
Smart Speed Register
Reserved = 00001B.
aneg_now_qual = 0.
Rev_aneg_qual = 0.
Giga_dis_qual = 0.
Cfg_pad_en = 0.
Mr_Itdis = 0.
Smartspeed_en = 1.
Smartspeed_retry_limit = 011B. Which is 011 by default.
Bypass_smartspeed_timer = 0.
reserved = 0.

=========> Offset: 0x16 Value: 0x04e8  <=========
Virtual Cable Tester Control Register
Reserved = 000001B. (* Which should be 00000B.)
MDI Pair Select = 00B. MDI[0] pair.
Reserved = 1110100B. (* Which should be 0000000B.)
Enable Test = 0. Disable VCT Test.

=========> Offset: 0x18 Value: 0x3200  <=========
LED Control
Disable LED = 0. Enable.
Led on time = 011B. 42ms.
Force Interrupt = 0. Always 0.
Led off time = 010B. 84ms.
Reserved = 000B.
LED_LINK control = 00B. Direct LED mode.
LED_DUPLEX control = 0. Duplex.
LED_RX control = 0. Receive activety/Link.
LED_TX Control = 0. Activity/Link.

=========> Offset: 0x19 Value: 0x3000  <=========
Manual LED override register
Conv_led_sel = 00B. LED pins controlled by fiber.
Reserved = 11B. (* Which should be 00B.)
LED_DUPLEX = 00B. Normal.
LED_LINK10 = 00B. Normal.
LED_LINK100 = 00B. Normal.
LED_LINK1000 = 00B. Normal.
LED_RX = 00B. Normal.
LED_TX = 00B. Normal.

=========> Offset: 0x1B Value: 0x0600  <=========
Copper/Fiber Status Register
Reserved = 00B.
Transmit_pause_en_bx = 0.
Receive_pause_en_bx = 0.
Link_established_bx = 0.
fd_mode_bx = 1. duplex mode of fiber.
speed_mode_bx = 10B. Speed_mode of fiber: 1000Bx.
Reserved = 00B.
Transmit_pause_en_bt = 0.
Receive_pause_en_bt = 0.
Link_established_bt = 0.
fd_mode_bt = 0.
speed_mode_bt = 00B. 10BT.

=========> Offset: 0x1C Value: 0x0000  <=========
Virtual Cable Tester Status
Reserved = 000000B.
Status = 00B. Valid test, normal cable (no short or open in cable)
Delta_Time = 00000000B.

=========> Offset: 0x1D Value: 0x0000  <=========
Debug port (Address offset set)
Reserved = 0000000000B.
Address Offset = 000000B.

=========> Offset: 0x1E Value: 0x82ee  <=========
Debug port2 (R/W port)
Debug data port = 0x82ee.

=========> Offset: 0x1F Value: 0x8100  <=========
Chip Configure Register
Bt_bx_reg_sel = 1. select copper page register.
Reserved = 0.
Sgmii_rximp = 0. 50ohm.
Sgmii_tximp = 0. 50ohm.
Prbs_en = 0. Control prbs test in sgmii.
Reserved = 0010000B. (* Which should be 0000000B.)
Mode_cfg = 0000B. BASET_RGMII.




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