原创 程序层次设计思想

2010-10-26 15:02 1071 3 3 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

如果程序很大,将程序分为 应用层 命令层 硬件抽象层




·         应用层—应用层是所有用户所面向的应用程序的统称。ICP/IP协议族在这一层面有着很多协议来支持不同的应用,如我们进行万维网(WWW)访问用到了HTTP协议、文件传输用FTP协议、电子邮件发送用SMTP、域名的解析用DNS协议、 远程登录用Telnet协议等等,都是属于TCP/IP应用层的.

·         传输层—这一层的的功能主要是提供应用程序间的通信,TCP/IP协议族在这一层的协议有TCP和UDP。

·         网络层—是TCP/IP协议族中非常关键的一层,主要定义了IP地址格式,从而能够使得不同应用类型的数据在Internet上通畅地传输,IP协议就是一个网络层协议。

·         网络接口层(数据链路层)—这是TCP/IP软件的最低层,负责接收IP数据包并通过网络发送之,或者从网络上接收物理帧,抽出IP数据报,交给IP层。

 OSI(Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model)的7层从上到下分别是

7 应用层 Application
6 表示层 Presentation
5 会话层 Session
4 传输层 Transport
3 网络层 Network
2 数据链路层 Data-link
1 物理层 Physical


  • Application layer Handles information transfer between two network applications, including functions such as security checks, identification of the participating machines, and initiation of the data exchange.


  • Presentation layer Handles data formatting, including issues such as whether lines end in carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) or just carriage return (CR), whether data is to be compressed or encrypted, and so forth.


  • Session layer Manages the connection between cooperating applications, including high-level synchronization and monitoring of which application is "talking" and which is "listening."


  • Transport layer On the client, this layer divides messages into packets and assigns them sequence numbers to ensure that they are all received in the proper order. On the destination, it assembles packets that have been received. It also shields the session layer from the effects of changes in hardware.


  • Network layer Creates packet headers and handles routing, congestion control, and internetworking. It is the highest layer that understands the network's topology—that is, the physical configuration of the machines in the network, any limitations in bandwidth, and so on.


  • Data-link layer Transmits low-level data frames, waits for acknowledgment that they were received, and retransmits frames that were lost over unreliable lines.


  • Physical layer Passes bits to the network cable or other physical transmission medium.



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