原创 altera技术问答

2008-1-7 17:07 6328 8 8 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式








Jing Kuo答复:As long as you can fit the design into the device and your simulation is correct, you can use the device.  Howver, if you find the performance not stable, it is probably caused by other crutial factors, such as signal integrity, test holes, asynchronous paths, ground bounce, etc., and you should get them taken care of first.


luet问:那么假如我要实现这样的功能:双串口\内带WATCHDOG\2K FLASH RAM\2K ROM\4个定时器\8个中断源\USB接口.....用NIOS+PFGA都能实现吗?

ivan Li答复:Yes, you can customize the NIOS core as your own configuration, within SOPC builder. But you need to take care to find a correct device to fit your requirement, with enough resource.



Edward答复:We have another Excalibur device which have ARM922T in it,and it have gone to the marketing on 2001.



Bill Yuan答复:不是一定要用GOE才能做三态控制信号,在资源允许的情况下,其他IO也可以,你可以先用maxplus II 或Quartus 跑一下



Jing Kuo答复:We actually recommend you plan the pcb layout, and make pin assignments according to your pcb layout first.  This would make your layout easier and QuartusIIs fitter more efficient.  However, during planning your pcb, you should consider the constraints of each of the i/o banks.  Please refer to the I/O standard section and pin-out section from this page:http://www.altera.com/literature/lit-stx.html


hjh123问:刚才专家回复 价格低于1美元的MAX3032A with smallest package,是否有其他附加条件,如果我公司想购买30片,是否这个价格?

ivan Li答复:You can contact our distributor for the detail price about this, the price doed depend on the volume.



eric deng答复:For MAX 3000A, the core voltage must connect 3.3V.  For its I/O, it may connect to 5V device.



robin答复:1,You can use mysupport in altera websit:   https://mysupport.altera.com/eservice/login.asp   and provide your problem. 2,Pls contact with your local cytech FAE to get more support.


sjq603问:What diffirence between 3000 and 7000?

Edward答复:MAX3000A and MAX7000AE are pin-to-pin compilable,only but MAX3000A have little 2 or 4 I/O than MAX7000AE,these 2 or 4 I/O must connect to GND with MAX3000A.



eric deng答复:FPGA is gate arry like architecture.  It is SRAM base, rich register, and timing depends on routing path.  It is more suitable for more complex, need register design like counter.  CPLD is PAL like architecture.  It is EEPROM base, rich logic and fix timing.  It is more suitable for glue logic like decoder.



Bill Yuan答复:GClk2是全局输入信号管脚,如果不用一定要接地,否则会引入噪声而是的芯片工作不稳定


zxdony问:What is the difference between FPGA and CPLD ?

eric deng答复:FPGA is gate arry like architecture.  It is SRAM base, register rich, and its timing depends on the routing path.  It is more suitable for more complex design like counter.  For CPLD, it is PAL like architecture.  It is EEPROM, logic righ and the timing is fix.  It is more suitable for glue logic design like decoder.



ivan Li答复:You can use both ByteblasterMV and ByteblasterII to programme MAX3000.



Jing Kuo答复:Yes. We recommend engineers totch to QuartusII for all their designs, since QuartusII is much more powerful than Max+PlusII.  Quartus can support, Verilog, VHDL, AHDL, 3rd party netlists, and schematics.



Bill Yuan答复:用我们提供的软件SOPC BUILDER你可以向搭积木一样方便的对NIOS进行配置,修改。请在我们的网站WWW.ALTERA.COM夏在相关的资料,或和代理商联系



ivan Li答复:Yes, ALtera has provide that NIOS development system, including Board and tools. You can contact our distributor for that.



Bill Yuan答复:最适合的是7128AE



eric deng答复:Yes.  You may consider Altera MAX 3128A device.  You may contact our distributor - Cytech to get more information or go to our website http://www.altera.com to look for MAX family.



Edgar Wong答复:If you refer to Cyclone, its standby current is about 10mA.  Regarding price, it is $1.5/1000LE at 250K volumn.  



Edgar Wong答复:When programming MAX, user can turn on a secuirty option which prevents programming image from reading out of the device.  Regarding FPGA in general, such as Cyclone, because of its high density and routing complexity, it is extremely difficult as they do not know exactly the internal architecture of the device.  Even if people can reverse the bit stream to derive the LUT structure of the design, , to try to reverse it back to the original gate level logic, not to talk about the RTL or architectural level, it would be near to impossible. If they are concerned with people just copying the FPGA content and reproduce the same board, they can put a small portion of the design into a CPLD.



robin答复:1,Nios in FPGA is Flexibility low cost Scalability SOPC solution. 2,With your specail application,you can use user logic as co-processor and you can get a high performance and flexibility systme.



Bill Yuan答复:不能,只能用在FPGA中



Bill Yuan答复:如果编程的时候加密了,就不能读出来了


fishren问:ALTERA的仿真软件,现在是不是只有MAXPLUSII和Quartus II呢?能否告诉我目前两个软件的最新版本是多少吗??

Bill Yuan答复:这两个软件的最新版本maxplus II 10.22和Quartus II 2.2 + SP2 你也可以使用第三方的仿真软件来仿真如modelsim,vcs等








wangjiwen问:max+plus II支持Tsunami吗?

eric deng答复:MAX+PLUS II supports the existing product families like MAX 7000/3000, FLEX, ACEX etc.  For our future products, they will support by Quartus software.



Bill Yuan答复:Apex,ApexII,Flex10K,Flex10E,ACEX1K,Stratix,Mercury,StratixGX



eric deng答复:MAX+PLUS II software will choose the best placement for design.  Base on this placment, you can get most effecient performace.  If you are using manaul pin-locking, it may not be the best placement, so it may cause the routing problem.  So we suggest you let software to do auto pin assignment to get best performace.


myq_2003问:冒昧的问:Excalibur device 是贵公司的什么样的产品

Edward答复:Excalibur device是嵌入ARM CPU 的一个系列,提供客户更高的SOPC方案,目前嵌入的是ARM922T.



ivan Li答复:Altera provide Signaltap to help customer to make debug, through JTAG port. You can use signaltap to adopt signal from board into QII to analyse.



Bill Yuan答复:gclk2如果没有使用,一定要接地



robin答复:Yes.You can set up a 16-bit data with NIOS for your applicaion. other side,NIOS is support C/C++. About your special problem,you can contact with your loacal Cytech FAE to get more support.



eric deng答复:Both 7000AE & 3000A are 3.3 V devices their density range are from 32 MC to 512 MC.  7000AE is our high performace family.  It offers more I/O (compare with same pacakge) and offers more package choices.  3000A is low cost solution which offers very attractive pricing.


jxlee问:请问byteblaster 并口 和 byteblaster MV 并口下载电缆的区别?是否通用?

Bill Yuan答复:byteblasterMV 可以支持3.3v的器件下载和编程,byteblaster只支持5v器件 byteblasterMV可以替代byteblaster 5v


wxzhuhua问:价格低于1美元? 那是什么芯片? 有多少引脚?

ivan Li答复:MAX3032A with smallest package.



Edward答复:Yes,NIOS can do it,maybe you should have DMA for the IRQ function to control the Ethernet interface.


hyh808问:max7000s 的pin支持inout吗?



marktang问:How can I get SOPC builder? Freely? Is it embeded in quartus ii now?

ivan Li答复:SOPC builder has already embeded in QII from Version 2.X. You can use it if you have install the QII.



eric deng答复:For 7000S is 5V device; 7000AE is 3.3V device; 7000B is 2.5V device and 3000A is 3.3V device.   7000AE is our high performace family which has more I/O (compare with same package) and has more package choices.  3000A is our low cost solution and its pricing is very attractive.  The density for both 7000AE & 3000A is from 32 MC to 512 MC.



Bill Yuan答复:是的,前提是选定的fpga要合适


lanhson问:推荐一些有关nois的开发技术资料?  可以吗?

robin答复:You can get more document from altera websit. Http://www.altera.com or you can contact with local cytech FAE to get more support.



ivan Li答复:Cyclone之所以是这么低的价格, 主要是因为我们采用了最先进的工艺和技术.



Bill Yuan答复:NIOS是一个使用非常灵活的软核CPU,可以根据用户的需要进行配置,你可以将它配置成一个功能非常完备的,性能很好CPU,但是会占用多一点的资源,也可以配置成一个很小的CPU,占用的逻辑单元最小的大概需要1000个






eric deng答复:Yes.  Because CPLD is PAL architecture, the timing is fix.  For FPGA, the timing is depending the routing, so the timing is vary.



robin答复:luet:请问:如果用NIOS配置完FPGA/CPLD后,如果要实现具体的功能,如何进行编程?我以前主要用C和汇编在KEIL下编程调试,如果用NIOS应该怎么做? You can use GNUPro compile,link,and debug your software.other side,you can use serial port or JTAG to degug your software or download your software image to flash.



ivan Li答复:Yes, Excalibur device can run at about 200Mbps.


wxqtjcom问:what difference among EPLD, PLD, PLA and FPGA ?

eric deng答复:PLD & PLA is the general term for all programmble deivce.  PLD is including FPGA & CPLD.  For FPGA, is Gate Arry like architecture.  It is SRAM base, so you need to have a ROM to contain your data.  Also its timing depends on the rounting path.  However, it has rich register, so it is more suitale for more complex design like counter.  For CPLD (EPLE), it is PAL like architecture with fix timing.  And it is EEPROM base device with rich logic.  It is more suitable for glue logic design like decoder.


lishuanghua问:3064 44脚io口少了点,100脚又太大了,没有比较适中的封装?

ivan Li答复:Altera will have plan to release 84 pins package for this.


xddjd问:怎么样解决组合电路中的毛刺问题? 我看了一篇ALTERA的文章,说一些顺序变化的码,可考虑格雷码,但是用格雷码之后,用MP2仿真还是有毛刺!

Bill Yuan答复:导致毛刺的原因有很多,简单的改变计数的编码不一定可以解决问题,最主要的是要设计同步,毛刺基本不会影响同步的设计



Edward答复:Modsim can do function simulator without the interface of QuartusII output,and if you will do the time simulator,you must compile the design by QuartusII,then you you can use the *.sdo file to simulate in Modsim.



Jing Kuo答复:Yes.  You can reserve the unused i/o pins as tri-stated input.  But you first have to include the empty pins in your design, and give pin assignments to them.  If you have a lot of such pins, say, 100. You can create an 100-to-1 mux, compile the design, and back-annotate the pins.  Then remove the mux logic and output, but keep the input pins in the design.  Also remember to remove the mux output from pin assignments.  This way the 100 pins would be reserved as tri-state inputs



Edgar Wong答复:Dynamic power consumption of a device highly depends on the toggling frequency and data pattern of its inputs.  Therefore, if the simluation stimulus are closer to the actual operation condition of the device, the accuracy of power consumption estimation will increase.



Bill Yuan答复:C 或 C++



ivan Li答复:Nios can be developed with assembly language, and altera provide the assembly language description for customers.



Edward答复:QuartusII support better with VHDL,but we suggest the customer use the 3rd EDA tools to synthesis the VHDL or Verilog,then use our QuartusII to compile.


xch2000_1980问:下载时总是提示unrecognised device or socket is empty,请问是什么原因(用ByteblasterMV,WINXP系统,EPM7512AEQC208-10)

Edgar Wong答复:MAX+PLUS II Help describes several causes for this error message. The following are three additional possibilities that are not listed in MAX+PLUS II Help: You may receive this error if you attempt to program a device when the Altera download cable is not powered. These cables receive power from the printed circuit board (PCB). Ensure that the PCB is powered properly and that the Altera download cable is securely connected to the PCB.  This error may also appear if you are attempting to program or configure one device when you actually have more than one device in a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) chain. Click on Select Programming File (JTAG menu -> Multi-Device JTAG Setup). Choose your file and click OK. Click on Detect JTAG Chain Info.



robin答复: You can choose 16-bit data with NIOS in your application.(need about 1600LE).How about your other Logic need except NIOS cpu?



Bill Yuan答复:目前还没有,需要外接



Bill Yuan答复:如果定义为输出或没有定义,可以开路如果是输入脚并且没有使用,需要接地


zhouzhengf问:sopc builder是自动生成引导程序引导硬件的自检和软件的运行?

ivan Li答复:SOPC builder can generate Hardware and software automatically, you can follow SOPC builder wizard  step by step.



eric deng答复:Both MAX 7000AE & MAX 3000A are the popular families for CPLD.  The density for MAX 7000AE & MAX 3000A are the same - from 32 MC to 512 MC.  For our 7000AE, it is our high performace family which has more I/O (compare with same package) & more package chioces.  For MAX 3000A, it is low cost soultion and its pricing is very attractive.



Bill Yuan答复:Quartus II Full Edition Quartus II Web Edition--Free,can download from altera website


明空问:那些器件可以不用串接电阻即可支持5v pci

Edward答复:The device which have 5V tolerate I/O can support 5V PCI,MAX7000AE,MAX7000S,FLEX,APEX20K.Pls check the datasheet of the device with Mulit-Voltage I/O function.



robin答复:You can chang parameter of UART in Nios application for you special need.



ivan Li答复:You can assign unused IO pins as input, and connect it to ground. That could reduce the risk of being influenced.



ivan Li答复:Embeded memory of different altera device families has different performance. For example, Stratix internal memory can runnning at about 300MHz.



Bill Yuan答复:目前有以下一些嵌入式操作系统可以支持NIOS Nucleus Plus µClinux µC/OS-II KROS visualSTATE 


曹军义问:colony 和 flex家族最大的区别是什么.在Flex的逻辑可以移植到colony上吗?

robin答复:Cyclone is newest Altera FPGA. If you use Cyclone,you will get a high performance and low cost. You can easy migrate your design to Cyclone. If you have special problem about it,you can contact Local Cytech FAE to help make clear your prolbem.


hjh123问:Max 3000A& Max7000的区别,指性能和价格或应用方面

eric deng答复:MAX 7000AE is our high performace solution & MAX 3000A is our low cost solution.  MAX 7000AE offers more I/O (compare with same package) & more package selection.  However, the pricing of MAX 3000A is very attractive.


sunxj问:How to get your free trial-version of Quartus II CD?

eric deng答复:You can get free Quartus II CD from our distributor - Cytech.  Or you can download from our website http;//www.altera.com/.



Jing Kuo答复:There are a lot of Simulation tools in the market now, such as ModelSim, VCS, VSS, Verilog-XL, Active-HDL etc.  Altera also provide embedded logic analyser, SignalTapII, for hard debug.


tiger_ning问:请问专家:maxplus 是不是没有手布线功能?

ivan Li答复:MP2 will not support place Routing of interconnect manually, but you can use place LE location to control Routing.



Bill Yuan答复:使用C或C++语言



eric deng答复:Yes.  There is flash base CPLD.  But EEPROM base is more popular in the market, and we did not see any advantage for flash base CPLD.



Jing Kuo答复:NIOS can be designed into FPGA, but not CPLD yet.  And yes it can be used as a CPU.  Please check the details in this page to know which types of cpu it can replace.



Bill Yuan答复:可以使用通用的byteblasterMV来下载Cyclone器件,但是只有用ByteBlaster II才能编程用于配置Cyclone的配置芯片EPCS1,EPCS4.



Edgar Wong答复:One of the quickest way is to contact your nearest Altera distributor for information of the software.  You can find the distributor contact information with this link: http://www.altera.com/corporate/contact/sales/intl_distis/con-int_distis.html



ivan Li答复:Nios is a soft core designed by Altera, you can find more detail information in our web:www.altera.com .


sunxj问:How to get your CD containing free trial version of the software overseas?

Horace答复:You can download the trial version on Altera web, or you can give me your contact point ( Address, phone number ), so we can send the trial software to you also. My email: horace@cytecht.com






robin答复:Nios is a RISC Architecture CPU. 


zcl1229问:MAX PLUS—ii怎么没有介绍呢!我一直在用这种软件,应该说也能完成10k芯片设计

ivan Li答复:Both MP2 and QII can be used to implement Flex10K device, but Altera recommend customer to use QII to make design, because QII will support all the altera device and will have update version in future.


mazee问:5V DSP信号能直接和3.3V的EP1K30 的IO连接吗?有没有需要注意的地方?

Bill Yuan答复:如果dsp的I/O口符合标准的TTL电平标准,可以直接相连



Horace答复:You can use on different applications, such as communication, consumer product, industrial product ... so on.


zhzhdao问:Can you tell me the difference between FPGA and CPLD except the configure?

eric deng答复:CPLD is EEPROM base, PLD like architecture with fix delay time.  It is more suitable for glud logic design like decoder.  FPGA is SRAM base, small base with rich register and the timing is base on the interconnect rounting.  It is more suitable for more complex system design like counter, pipline.


zzengx问:请问我如何在Excalibur 开发板中配置嵌入式linux? 谢谢




Bill Yuan答复:下载电缆的长度和工作的环境和下载电缆中的244芯片的驱动能力有关,建议小于50公分,如果需要加长,可以使用并口延长线



Horace答复:Please let me know your contact information, and we will arrange engineer to contact you soon. My email address: horace@cytecht.com






Edgar Wong答复:SOPC builder includes free peripherals such as UART, Timer,SPI, SDRAM controller, Tri-state bridge, AHB bridge, and more.  After you install SOPC builder (come with Quartus II software), free peripherals and paid peripherals are marked differently.


lllll76问:通过qutaru ii 的实时仿真和实际有多少差别

Bill Yuan答复:我们的仿真软件给出的是最差的工作条件下的器件运行结果,实际的情况会比仿真的结果好,不会比仿真的结果差


graybear问:Nios以及开发的应用程序所需的内存空间是否可以采用外部存储器,而不用FPGA的on chip memory




Jing Kuo答复:Schematic designs are not transferrable between different Synthesis tools.  So you can only use schematic design in QuartusII or Max+PlusII.  In a mix design methodology, you can use Synplify or other synthesis tools to compile HDL designs, while compile schematic, HDL,and/or netlists together in QuartusII or Max+PlusII.



Edward答复:No,the cyclone can design our NIOS for CPU function,if you want to use ARM,you can study and use our Excalibur device.you can go to the website for more information. http://www.altera.com/products/devices/arm/arm-index.html



Edgar Wong答复:Yes.  NIOS can easily interface with external logics or custom interfaces.  You can easily specify the interface connection in our SOPC builder software.


wwqq0121问:can nios work as a simple computer? how fast can it work?




ivan Li答复:Altera provide FPGA encrypt solution with a white paper, you can find the that from altera datasheet.





seamas问:How many gates or LE a nios core need?

ivan Li答复:A standard NIOS core need about 1600 LEs, and the minimum nios core only need about 900LEs.



robin答复:>110MHz fmax Typical(Nios in Stratix or Cyclone)



ivan Li答复:Altera provide SOPC builder to help you design you CPU system, which not only generate software source code, such as C head file, but also generate HDL file for you. SOPC builder could generate good interface between your CPU and LOGIC design.



Bill Yuan答复:需要将Cyclone内部I/O的一个嵌位二极管打开,并在管脚上串接电阻,在Cyclone上电配置完成之后,才可以接受5V的信号输入






robin答复:For your question: Hard Core Advantages Higher Performance Optimal Die Area / Function Time-to-Market  Lots of On-Chip Memory Leverage Large Existing Code Base 



ivan Li答复:Both MP2 and QII can support Max3000A device.


zheqiao问:请问贵公司的在有没有信道译码领域Ip Core,比如RS Turbo译码

Bill Yuan答复:我们提供很多的信道编码IP Core,包括您提到的RS, 和 Turbo我们都有


fiendzzh问:cyclone 锁相环时钟输入是否可以为一正弦波?

ivan Li答复:锁相环时钟输入是数字式的时钟信号,不能接模拟的正弦波信号.


quyangming问:请问应用MAX PLUS可以进行NIOS开发吗?

Bill Yuan答复:不行,需要Quartus II 软件





zhouzhengf问:onchip-memory是配置在nios cpu中间还是指配置在所用的fpga中?

Bill Yuan答复:on-chip memory 是指用fpga内部的嵌入存储器块来实现nios软核数据或程序存储器


qgfice问:在国内 CYlone芯片的价位大致在哪个档次,还有Quartus2.1软件开发工具是不是具有完整的nois软硬件开发功能谢谢

Horace答复:The price will be based on your quantity, and Cyclone should be the lowest price FPGA in the world. For your develop Nios design, in addition to Quartus II software, you should also have SOPC software, suggest you buy the Cyclone-Nios Kit which have a special offer till to End of June, 2003. The price is USD 495 per kit



ivan Li答复:Altera recommend customer to make synchronal logic in the FPGA, because you use synchronal logic design, all the application works with trigger of clock rising edge, which could reduce the different timing skew when you implement design in different device. 



robin答复:Nios is support C/C++,and you can us GNUPro compile,link,and debug your nios systme. Nios is RISC architecture CPU.It will run a high better performance compare with MCS-51 and Z80.



Bill Yuan答复:如果您只需要将nios使用在Altera的FPGA产品内,不需要另外申请版权,如果您想将nios移植到ASIC中,则需要另外申请版权


shjjsj问:what is the different between FPGA and CPLD?

Jing Kuo答复:The consensus now is that FPGA is Look-Up-Table based architecture and CPLD is Product-Term based architecture.



ivan Li答复:Cyclone is altera newest device designed with the world advanced technology, 0.13um, full copper interconnect. The best advantage of cyclone is low price.






ivan Li答复:Avalon bus is design by Altera, which is internal bus which interface to NIOS core. You can find the Avalon bus protocol in the documentation folder after you install NIOS megafunction.


gxm771208问:how to maximized

Jing Kuo答复:Please let us know what do you want to maximize. Thanks.



robin答复:nios is License & Royalty Free.



Bill Yuan答复:我们的设计软件Maxplus II 和Quartus II都可以进行时序分析,在分析的结果中可以清晰地看到每个pin的建立和保持时间,以及时钟信号的fmax,还有管脚倒管脚地延时信息等,都可以看到



ivan Li答复:Nios is a soft CPU core, 32-bits. Users can customize their own CPU core with different peripheries as they like. And Nios core can be implemented in all the altera device if it has enough resource. 


sunnychao问:32 bit 的内核的峰值MIPS为多少?

robin答复:nios是一个嵌入在FPGA内部的softcpu,会因为你使用的Altera FPGA的性能有所不同。在我们的cyclone FPGA器件中,可以到达50DMIPS。



Jing Kuo答复:If I understood your question correctly, you are asking if clock delay is fixed inside FPGA.  The answer is Yes.  The delay from a clock input pin to an internal register is fixed, regardless what frequency it is running.



Bill Yuan答复:flex系列芯片无法加密,不过用户可以在系统中在设计一个EPLD,将一部分功能用epld来实现,并将此EPLD加密,可以实现整个系统的加密;可以在线更改配置以实现新的功能,需要预先将所以功能设计好,并将配置文件存储在存储器中,在不断电的情况下,用控制逻辑或微处理器重新配置新的数据就可以实现新的功能


quguangn问:quartus II 与 max+plus II  有何区别?为何要分成两个开发系统?

ivan Li答复:QII 和MP2最大的区别是对支持的器件的不同.当然在做设计时,QII和MP2的功能基本上都能完成任务, 只是在界面上有一些不一样. 不过ALTERA主要会向QII 发展, 现在所有的MP2 PROJECT 已经可以在QII中完全兼容.





fuzhuang问:nios 开发软件价格如何?

Horace答复:You can buy the Cyclone-Nios kit or Stratix-Nios kit, and we have the special offer before end of June, 2003 Price = USD 495


xujin47问:对于初学者来说,怎样取得QUARTUS2完整版及“Nios”试验板(Demo board)

Bill Yuan答复:Quartus II 完整版本和NIOS试验板都需要购买,请和我们的代理商联系






Horace答复:Cyclone-Nios Kit or Stratix-Nios Kit have a special offer before End of June, 2003  Price = USD 495 per Kit



ivan Li答复:Max 3000A& Max7000



Bill Yuan答复:我的会随评估板一起提供给客户电路原理图很印刷版图,所有的资料都在配套的光盘中



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