小T在学习使用ALLEGRO,覆铜完发现shape中存在Unassigned shapes和out of date shapes。
Rather than delete the shape try updating it. Yse Display - Status and update to smooth to bring the shape back up to date. If you really want to delete it go to the color visibility command and under the stackup options there is a boundary layer. Turn it on for the TOP layer and you will see the outline of the shape you want to delete. Hover over it - RMB delete.
第一个问题,Unassigned shapes,可以将未分配的显示出来,DISPLAY-COLOR-STACKUP-BOUNDARY将所需要显示的层显示出来,删除掉即可。通过TOOL-report可以确定具体位置。
第二问题,update to smooth即可。
用户1758419 2014-7-4 10:55
用户377235 2014-2-17 17:52