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用户1778167 2016-3-30 20:56
这是刚开始学习FPGA时候,积累的一点资料。 具体如下,其实作者强调了在用FPGA做设计的时候,要注意同步设计,盲目的使用 信号做时钟,在时序分析上 ...
用户1778167 2014-8-28 17:03
Memory interface generator(Xilinx,develop based on UI interface)
The details pls check the attachment.
用户1778167 2014-8-27 21:07
The difference between RDIMM/UDIMM/SO-DIMM/FBDIMM and LRDIMM.
There are many memory modules ,such as RDIMM,UDIMM,SO-DIMM,FBDIMM and LRDIMM. What is the difference? DIMM: Dual In-line Memory Module. 64bits ...
用户1778167 2014-8-27 20:05
how to improve the efficiency of External Memory
Nowadays, External Memorys(DDR2/DDR3) are widely used for data storage in communication system/video processing systems. Even though the tec ...
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