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用户3654087 2016-6-17 14:39
Infographic - Electronic Assistive Technology
Have a look at the Infographic designed by Mistral explaining what types of Assistive Technology products exist and its architecture.
用户3654087 2016-5-24 15:12
Infographic - RADAR Subsytems
RADARs are critical for various applications in defense and aerospace, avionics, communication and meteorology. Have a look at the Infographic desi ...
用户3654087 2016-5-16 14:13
System Performance Optimization for Embedded Devices
Industrial systems typically require data acquisition and processing in real-time. These systems could range from a simple lighting control system ...
用户3654087 2016-3-1 17:17
Infographic - SONAR Subsystems
SONAR subsystems consist of underwater transducers,data recorders,controllers,signal processing and display systems. Have a look at the Infographic ...
用户3654087 2016-3-1 17:12
Infographic - SONAR Subsystems
SONAR subsystems consist of underwater transducers,data recorders,controllers,signal processing and display systems. Have a look at the Infographic ...
用户3654087 2015-12-30 18:12
Top Technology Trends for 2016
1) Wearables: In 2015, Wearable devices garnered the most attention from multi-functional smart watches with brands like Samsung, Motorola an ...
用户3654087 2015-12-3 14:25
Infographic - Drones
Want to know more about Drones? Have a look at the Infographic by Mistral explaining what Drones are all about! https://www.mistralsolutions.co ...
用户3654087 2015-12-1 12:57
Understanding the concept of PoP (Package-on-Package) technology
Over the past decade the embedded world has undergone tremendous change. With the advent of mobile phones, smart lifestyle gadget like wearables, h ...
用户3654087 2015-11-25 18:41
Infographic - Smart Home, Smart Engineering
An Infographic from Mistral which explores the world of Smart Home Engineering. https://www.mistralsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/inf ...
用户3654087 2015-10-12 12:14
Challenges for Mass Adoption of IoT - Security and Standardization
The world of IoT fascinates me for its potential to impact everyday life by extracting the immense power hidden within data and inference based ac ...
用户3654087 2015-9-23 12:39
Anatomy of Wearable Electronics
The world of Wearable Engineering Demystified through this simple Infographic from Mistral: http://www.mistralsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/ ...
用户3654087 2015-5-26 19:04
The Visionary of our times
There are a few people I consider visionaries of their times. In the 15th century, we had Leonardo da Vinci. He was centuries ahead of his times an ...
用户3654087 2015-3-4 14:53
Wearables Everywhere
  In 2014, wearable technology saw an enormous increase in popularity with Internet searches for related terms increasing ten-fold and over $1 ...
用户3654087 2014-12-16 19:42
Silicon to product – New trends in consumer electronics product design and produ
Product design and development has come a long way from traditional product development. Earlier, development involved a semi-conductor company bui ...
用户3654087 2014-9-23 17:02
Internet of Things enabling Health and Wellness
Internet of Things enabling Health and Wellness The Internet of Things is not just a futuristic vision of a better connected world; it is al ...
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