LTC4300-1允许用户将I/O卡插入带电的背板而不会对2线系统的SDA和SCL信号造成破坏。而连接电路了双向缓冲,保证背板和卡之间的电容隔离。上升时间加速电路可提供额外的性能以满足上升时间的要求。 advertisement
Hot Swap and Buffer I2C Buses
Design Note 263
John Ziegler
As server systems have grown, the number and complex- After ground and VCC connect, SDAIN and SCLIN make
ity of input/output (I/O) cards that contain control circuitry connection with the backplane SDA and SCL lines. During
to monitor the servers have grown in proportion. Zero this time, the 1V precharge circuitry is active and forces
down time systems require users to insert I/O cards into 1V through 100k nominal resistors to the low capacitance
a live backplane. While many IC vendors have developed ……