二种新型串行电压参考源成为了小封装和高精度的桥梁。在设计、加工和包装上带来便利。低功耗芯片LT1460专为小面积应用设计,可工作于所有常用电压下,包括2.5V、5V和10V。 advertisement
New Voltage References Are Smaller and More Precise
Design Note 145
John Wright
Introduction The Small Fry
Two new series voltage references bridge the gap be- By themselves, surface mount packages are space effi-
tween small package size and high precision. Advances in cient, but the use of a large output capacitor to stabilize the
design, process and packaging have made the introduc- reference limits the benefits of the small package. The
tion of these new voltage references possible. The low LT1460 is stable with capacitive loads or with ……