LTC2953是一款低功率、宽输入电压范围(2.7V至27V)、带输入输出电压监控的开关控制器,提供了简单完整的手持式设备电源解决方案。通过整合和高速单电源监测可提供极佳的系统可靠性。Pushbutton On/Off Controller with Failsafe Voltage Monitoring
Design Note 427
Victor Fleury
Introduction enables a DC/DC converter or turns on a power switch.
Have you had the exasperating experience of a laptop or These circuits communicate with system logic to make
PDA deantly not responding to your commands? You sure that power turns on and turns off in an orderly
frantically press key after key, but to no avail. As hope manner. Additionally, failsafe features should disable
turns to anger (but just before you throw the company’s ……