This application note provides the schematics, software
listings, and circuit board layout for a PIC16C73 based
Smart Battery Charger. The Demo Board, DC101, is
available to selected customers through Linear Tech-
nology Corp. product marketing.
The DC101 (Figure 1) is the Smart Battery Charger
(SBC) portion of a Smart Battery System. A simplified
block diagram of a Smart Battery System is shown in
Figure 3 (refer to "The Smart Battery Charger Specifi-
cation," Duracell). AN667
Smart Battery Charger with SMBus Interface
The Smart Battery (SB) contains circuitry which pro-
Authors: Laszlo Kiraly, Linear Technology vides charging information to the SBC. The SBC
receives this information in terms of ChargingVoltage(),
Robert Schreiber, Microchip Technology
ChargingCurrent(), and AlarmWarning() commands
from the SB. The SBC and SB communicate via the