在降压器中的基本要求是降低输入电压。虽然线性稳压器可以满足这一需求,但并不能实现高效。基于“BUCK”的开关整流器现在已经出现并应用了一段时间,便利,易于应用的器件使实际电路更易实现。文中对降压开关整流器的实现作了阐述。 Application Note 35
August 1989
Step-Down Switching Regulators
Jim Williams
A substantial percentage of regulator requirements lost in this voltage-to-current-to-magnetic eld-to-cur-
involve stepping down the primary voltage. Although rent-to-charge-to-voltage conversion. In practice, the
linear regulators can do this, they cannot achieve the circuit elements have losses, but step-down efciency is
efciency of switching based approaches1. The theory still higher than with inherently dissipative (e.g., voltage
supporting step-down (“buck”) switching reg……