一般说来,模拟电路必须由高性能专用电源驱动,在模拟系统中维持最低噪声电平和漂移的困难在于如何保证供电不会恶化。许多模拟应用可以完全应用于逻辑电路,良好设计的电路组合可以提供优异的性能。本文中的几个例子展示了在5V供电时不同测量精度和控制电路的设计方法。 Application Note 11
September 1985
Designing Linear Circuits for 5V Single Supply Operation
Jim Williams
In predominantly digital systems it is often necessary logic rail with good design can give excellent results (see
to include linear circuit functions. Traditionally, separate Box, “High Performance, Single Supply Analog Building
power supplies have been used to run the linear compo- Blocks”). The examples which follow show this in a vari-
nents (see Box, “Linear Power Supplies―Past, Pre……