PCB回流路径Analysis of Return Current Path for Chip-Package-PCB Co-Design
(kamdong@ieee.org) KAIST (http://tera.kaist.ac.kr) 2005. 10. 5
Terahertz Interconnection and Package Laboratory
Terahertz Interconnection and Package Laboratory
What is Return Current?
9 Electromagnetic fields in parallel plates (TEM mode)
y x z
r J S ,upper
r r n× H = JS
) × (x J S ,upper = ( y V Vo jkz e ) = o e jkz z ηd ηd
r H
r J S ,lower
J S ,lower =
Vo jkz = J S ,upper e z ηd
9 Current interpretation (1D) of field propagation (3D)
Signal Current 1. For every signal current there must be an equal and opposite return current. 2. Subsequently, the return current is equally as important as the signal current for signal integrity and EMC analysis. 3. A very common mistake is to focus on prov……