PMC centurion wirelessFun with H boundaries and PMC
Dr. Court Rossman Brian St. Hilaire
Centurion Wireless Technologies West Coast Design Center Scotts Valley, CA January 25, 2002
H boundary/Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) exercises: Develop satellite radio design using H boundary/PMC, however impractical: Goal: CP conical radiation pattern, most of energy between 20 and 60 degrees off the horizon. fo = 2.338 GHz, BW = 12.5 MHz Goal: Don’t make antenna too tall. Develop low-profile Dipole over H plane Goal: see if efficiency better than low-profile Dipole over E plane.
Fields on surface
E Electric
Out-of-phase image
In-phase image
From C. Balanis, “Antenna Theory”
Image Ring
Good pattern for satellite radio
Out-of-phase Image Perfect conductor
In-phase Image H boun……