Tips for Avoiding Solid Modeling IssuesTips for Avoiding Solid Modeling Issues
Bad Outcomes From Errors Made in The “Draw” Mode
Kenneth C. Kelly Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Slotted Waveguide Problem
Slotted Waveguide Problem Ran Well
Then, Increased Array Size Using HFSS “Duplicate”
Problem Wouldn’t Mesh!!
Original module ran well “Duplicate” is great way to build periodic structures of identical elements Checked every common fault that I could think of Sent problem to others for help One day, I was in a high magnification state while in “Draw” mode I saw
. . . this
. . . was at every point where the duplicated
elements joined each other! This view is in the yz plane. In the xz plane the creases run 10”. λ0 = 0.98”
This surface was not a smooth plane be……