III-3HOIII-3. Impedance Matching with Transmission Lines
(1) Transmission Lines for Planar Circuits-(1)
Microstrip Lines
- inhomogeneous structure (air above and dielectrics below microstrip line) Maxwell eqn and boundary condition > longitudinal component of E, H field of dominant mode > quasi-TEM mode (hybrid mode)
γ = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC ) = α + jβ ,
vp = 1 = LC 1 = c = c
β = ω LC =
, λg =
Ζ0 = R + j ωL 1 ≈ vp L = G + j ωC v pC
rε r
λ0 , εr
ICE651 MMIC Design
III-3. Impedance Matching with Transmission Lines
(1) Transmission Lines for Planar Circuits-(2)
- signal transmission by TE mode - implementable in the ground plane of microstrip line circuits for design flexibility and some new type of circuits (hybrid coupler) - confine the fields near the sl……