How Phase Noise Appears in OscillatorsThis chapter appears in the book "Analog Circuit Design-RF Analog-toDigital Con-verters; Sensor and Actuator Interfaces; Low-Noise Oscillators, PLLs and Synthesizers", published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, November 1997, 428 pp. Hard-bound, ISBN 0-7923-9968-4
How Phase Noise Appears in Oscillators
Asad A. Abidi
Integrated Circuits & Systems Laboratory Electrical Engineering Department University of California, Los Angeles
Wireless transceivers closely specify the phase noise in the local oscillator. Yet it is not very well understood how phase noise is predicted, especially in oscillators which do not use a passive resonator. It is also difficult to model flicker noise in the close-in phase noise spectrum. This is ……