General coupling matrix synthesis methods for Chebyshev filtering functionsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 47, NO. 4, APRIL 1999
General Coupling Matrix Synthesis Methods for Chebyshev Filtering Functions
Richard J. Cameron, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract― Methods are presented for the generation of the transfer polynomials, and then the direct synthesis of the corresponding canonical network coupling matrices for Chebyshev (i.e., prescribed-equiripple) ltering functions of the most general kind. A simple recursion technique is described for the generation of the polynomials for even- or odd-degree Chebyshev ltering functions with symmetrically or asymmetrically prescribed transmission zeros and/or group delay equalization zero pairs. The method for the synthesis of the coupling matrix for the corresponding single- or double-termina……