Practical Analog and Digital Filter DesignTeAM YYePG
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Practical Analog and Digital Filter Design
Artech House, Inc.
Les Thede 2004
This text is dedicated to my wife who keeps me grounded, and to my grandchildren who know no bounds.
Preface Chapter 1 Introduction to Filters and Filter Design Software 1.1 Filter Selectivity 1.1.1 Lowpass Filters 1.1.2 Highpass Filters 1.1.3 Bandpass Filters 1.1.4 Bandstop Filters 1.2 Filter Approximation 1.3 Filter Implementation 1.4 WFilter - Filter Design Software 1.5 Conclusion Analog Filter Approximation Functions 2.1 Filter Transfer Functions 2.1.1 Transfer Function Characteriza……