基于信号完整性的PCB设计一般规则[1]基于信号完整性的 PCB 设计一般规则
2004 年 9 月第 35 卷第 3 期 (总第 116 期)
基于信号完整性的 PCB 设计一般规则
(中国航空无线电电子研究所,上海 200233)
[摘 要] 随着在计算机、通信系统、视频系统和网络系统中开发的时钟频率和数据速率越来越高,信号完 整性正变得愈发重要。在当前的高工作频率下,影响信号上升时间、脉宽、定时、抖动或噪声的任何事物都会 影响整个系统的可靠性。本文概要地介绍了基于信号完整性分析的 PCB 设计一般规则。 [关键词] 信号完整性;PCB 设计;布线;规则 [中图分类号] TN41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1006-141X(2004)03-0035-07
General Rule of PCB Design Based on Signal Integrity
GONG Qing-ping, Wu Bo-chun
(Chinese Aeronautical Radio Electronics Research Institute, Shanghai 200233, China)
Abstract: With clock frequence and data rate more and more high in the computer, communication, video and network system,signal integrity also became more important. Under the currently accepted high operation frequence, everything that affects signal elevating time, pulse width, timing, dithering……