ADV202_bug_list_es3_3ANALOG DEVICES
ADV202 Errata for ADV202-ES3 samples
This document presents all known bugs/anomalities, work arounds and product changes for the ADV202 ES3 silicon. ADV202 parts to which this document refers to are branded as follows: ADV202xxx xxxxxx xxxx 0.2
1) Line noise in decode slave mode. Issues: This applies only to applications that use the ADV202 in decode slave mode. The error is visible on the slave device due to random lines that are delayed by one sample.
Workaround: Use the same clock source for VCLK and MCLK. Fix: This issue has been fixed on present ES5 samples.
2) JDATA mode Issues: When used in JDATA mode and an RD/ signal are shared with other devices in a system. When in JDATA mode and HOLD [DACK0/] is driven low, the ADV202 will incorrectly drive the HDATA [15:0] pi……