MT9040_ZARLINK_417445MT9040 T1/E1 Synchronizer
Data Sheet Features
Supports AT&T TR62411 and Bellcore GR-1244CORE and Stratum 4 timing for DS1 interfaces Supports ETSI ETS 300 011, TBR 4, TBR 12 and TBR 13 timing for E1 interfaces Selectable 19.44 MHz, 1.544MHz, 2.048MHz or 8kHz input reference signals Provides C1.5, C2, C4, C6, C8, C16, and C19 (STS-3/OC3 clock divided by 8) output clock signals Provides 5 different styles of 8 KHz framing pulses Attenuates wander from 1.9Hz Fast lock mode JTAG Boundary Scan The MT9040 generates ST-BUS clock and framing signals that are phase locked to either a 19.44 MHz, 2.048MHz, 1.544MHz, or 8kHz input reference. The MT9040 is compliant with AT&T TR62411 and Bellcore GR-1244-CORE, Stratum 4; and ETSI ETS 300 011. It will meet the jitter/wander tolerance, jitter transfe……