ads三日教程Advanced Design System - 2001
3 days of intensive training - prerequisite for all other ADS courses.
Course Part Number N3211A/B from Agilent EEsof EDA Customer Education
E8900-90346 Instructor Slides - September, 2001
Introductions & Logistics:
Instructor: ____________________
Students: Introduce yourself, your job,
your experience with CAE tools, and your expectations for this class.
ADS 2001 Fundamentals - Sept, 2001
Slide 1 - 2
What is the value of this class?
You practice using ADS
With the aid of an instructor, you get hands-on experience. .
You gain expertise
You learn the same methods used by ADS experts in the examples directory...
ADS 2001 Fundamentals - Sept, 2001
Slide 1 - 3
Topics and measurements in this class:
Built-in example designs System behavior……