TDD noise20111 Stevens Creek Blvd., #260 Cupertino, CA 95014. U.S.A. Tel: 408.253.3883 Fax: 408.253.6630
Lanwave Technology, Inc.
System Application Note AN-7 Audio Section noise reduction methods in SATURN Cordless Phone Design
L9002VX / VX2
Code Division Spread Spectrum Telephone Chip
Revision: V1.2 Date: April 1999
Lanwave 1999
Page 1
20111 Stevens Creek Blvd., #260 Cupertino, CA 95014. U.S.A. Tel: 408.253.3883 Fax: 408.253.6630
Audio section noise reduction methods
Digital Cordless Phone with high power radio design requires special layout precautions to minimizing audio noise due to RF AM coupling and TX/RX switching current change (commonly known as TDD noise). These problems exists in narrow band cordless phones to a smaller degree due to their low radiated power. In digital cordl……