ps2PS/2 技术参考
著 Adam Chapweske 译
Roy Show
第一章 PS/2 鼠标 Introduction: 引言
The PS/2 device interface, used by many modern mice and keyboards, was developed by IBM and originally appeared in the IBM Technical Reference Manual. However, this document has not been printed for many years and as far as I know, there is currently no official publication of this information. I have not had access to the IBM Technical Reference Manual, so all information on this page comes from my own experiences as well as help from the references listed at the bottom of this page. PS/2 设备接口用于许多现代的鼠标和键盘 它是由 IBM 开发并且最初出现在 IBM 技术参考手册里 但 是 当我知道的时候这篇文件就已经很多年没有印刷了 因此关于这个内容现在没有官方的出版物 我 无法访问 IBM 的技术参考手册 所以本网页中的所有信息都来自于我自己的经验及本页最下面列出的 参考的帮助
译者注 这些参考的条目在本章的结尾处
This document descibes the interface used by the PS/2 mouse……