一种改进的图像重组算法及其硬件实现 一种改进的图像重组算法及其硬件实现
罗碧强 李斌 (华南理工大学物理科学与技术学院, 广州 510640) 摘要:图像重组算法在图像传感器应用中有着重要的作用,它的优劣直接影响到应用 图像的质量。本文分析了 Demosaicing 算法的基本原理,并提出了一种新的改进算法及其流 水线式的硬件实现方法,力求在图像质量和硬件资源消耗上取得最佳平衡点。 关键词:图像重组,图像传感器, 流水线结构 中图分类号:TN402 文献标识码:A
An advanced Demosaicing Algorithm and Hardware Design
Luo Bi-Qiang, Li Bin
(School of Physical Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China)
Abstract: Demosaicing algorithm plays a great role in the application of image sensor, which directly affects the quality of image. In this paper,based on some traditional algorithm theories , an advanced demosaicing algorithm is presented. The hardware design with pipelining structure is discussed which tries to get the balance between image quality and cost of hardware resource. Key words: demo……