NEC_Picture_TestDraft Evaluation for camera NEC confidential
1 Test Charts: MacBethe Measurement device:luxmeter, color temperature meter Device:lighting equipment(capable to change color temperature) Measurement SW:Photoshop(example) Take a photo at Maximum pixcel size (exapmple=SXGA) Lighting Color Temperature (K) 2500 3100 4200 5000 6300 7300
10 #10-2 #10-3 #10-4 #10-5 #10-6 #10-7 #10-a Lighting Bright 200 #200-2 #200-3 #200-4 #200-5 #200-6 #200-7 #200-a -ness (lx) *1000 #1000-2 #1000-3 #1000-4 #1000-5 #1000-6 #1000-7 #1000-a Measurement Read color sRGB values of each color by Photoshop. R,G,B Caluculate RR=(R/255)2.2, GG=(G/255)2.2, BB=(B/255)2.2 Evaluate physical appearance(all photoes) Compare colors with original ones Evaluate noise(#10-3,#200-4) Take 100 samples for each cell an……