GSM_System_Overview(一台湾的教程不错)GSM System Overview
O GSM t ¨J ¤ A ù ¤ qy{BwqBê°eA°ò±`C
GSM U-¤l¨tBLuq¤-±B¤÷ùUP Group Special
GSM W Global System for Mobile Communication, ¤]° Mobile, xì°q¨t , O{¤¨jv¤GN°q°T ¨t . b±°Q GSM w ó¨ P [ c L ¤ { whüa¤è 4, ISDN, H h v - l ¤ . ¨O]° . , |o{ GSM h GSM P L ¨ u L u q T ° ó¨ features O¨
¨p , 1984 ~ , ¨w network architecture, signaling protocol, open interface GSM3 (a working group of GSM) ¨üì ISDN -ìhy , ] service definition M signaling protocol ¨ü ISDN v j¤ T . ¨¤§@ , KO¨ OSI (Open System Interconnection) layered model.
Reference (1/2)
[1] Wireless and Mobile Network ArchitecturesA Y-Bing Lin and Imrich ChlamtacA Wiley Computer PublishingC [2] Mobile and Wireless NetworksA Uyless BlackA Prentice HallC [3] The GSM System for Mobile CommunicationA M……