Part 1. Basic Verilog Topics Chapter 1. Overview of Digital Design with Verilog HDL Section 1.1. Evolution of Computer-Aided Digital Design Section 1.2. Emergence of HDLs Section 1.3. Typical Design Flow Section 1.4. Importance of HDLs Section 1.5. Popularity of Verilog HDL Section 1.6. Trends in HDLs Chapter 2. Hierarchical Modeling Concepts Section 2.1. Design Methodologies Section 2.2. 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter Section 2.3. Modules Section 2.4. Instances Section 2.5. Components of a Simulation Section 2.6. Example Section 2.7. Summary Section 2.8. Exercises Chapter 3. Basic Concepts Section 3.1. Lexical Conventions Section 3.2. Data Types Section 3.3. System Tasks and Compiler Directives Section 3.4. Summary Section 3.5. Exercises Chapter 4. Modules and Ports Section 4.1. Modules Section 4.2. Ports Section 4.3. Hierarchical Names Section 4.4. Summary Section 4.5. Exercises Chapter 5. Gate-Level Modeling Section 5.1. Gate Types Section 5.2. Gate Delays Section 5.3. Summary Section 5.4. Exercises Chapter 6. Dataflow Modeling Section 6.1. Continuous Assignments Section 6.2. Delays Section 6.3. Expressions, Operators, and Operands Section 6.4. Operator Types Section 6.5. Examples Section 6.6. Summary Section 6.7. Exercises Chapter 7. Behavioral Modeling Section 7.1. Structured Procedures Section 7.2. Procedural Assignments Section 7.3. Timing Controls Section 7.4. Conditional Statements Section 7.5. Multiway Branching Section 7.6. Loops Section 7.7. Sequential and Parallel Blocks Section 7.8. Generate Blocks Section 7.9. Examples Section 7.10. Summary Section 7.11. Exercises Chapter 8. Tasks and Functions Section 8.1. Differences between Tasks and Functions Section 8.2. Tasks Section 8.3. Functions Section 8.4. Summary Section 8.5. Exercises Chapter 9. Useful Modeling Techniques Section 9.1. Procedural Continuous Assignments Section 9.2. Overriding Parameters Section 9.3. Conditional Compilation and Execution Section 9.4. Time Scales Section 9.5. Useful System Tasks Section 9.6. Summary Section 9.7. Exercises Part 2. Advanced VerilogTopics Chapter 10. Timing and Delays Section 10.1. Types of Delay Models Section 10.2. Path Delay Modeling Section 10.3. Timing Checks Section 10.4. Delay Back-Annotation Section 10.5. Summary Section 10.6. Exercises Chapter 11. Switch-Level Modeling Section 11.1. Switch-Modeling Elements Section 11.2. Examples Section 11.3. Summary Section 11.4. Exercises Chapter 12. User-Defined Primitives Section 12.1. UDP basics Section 12.2. Combinational UDPs Section 12.3. Sequential UDPs Section 12.4. UDP Table Shorthand Symbols Section 12.5. Guidelines for UDP Design Section 12.6. Summary Section 12.7. Exercises Chapter 13. Programming Language Interface Section 13.1. Uses of PLI Section 13.2. Linking and Invocation of PLI Tasks Section 13.3. Internal Data Representation Section 13.4. PLI Library Routines Section 13.5. Summary Section 13.6. Exercises Chapter 14. Logic Synthesis with Verilog HDL Section 14.1. What Is Logic Synthesis? Section 14.2. Impact of Logic Synthesis Section 14.3. Verilog HDL Synthesis Section 14.4. Synthesis Design Flow Section 14.5. Verification of Gate-Level Netlist Section 14.6. Modeling Tips for Logic Synthesis Section 14.7. Example of Sequential Circuit Synthesis Section 14.9. Exercises Chapter 15. Advanced Verification Techniques Section 15.1. Traditional Verification Flow Section 15.2. Assertion Checking Section 15.3. Formal Verification Section 15.4. Summary Part 3. Appendices……
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