FFT MegaCore Function Version 2.2.1 Readme File======================================================================This file contains the following information:o FFT MegaCore Function Overviewo FFT MegaCore Function ContentsFFT MegaCore Function Overview======================================================================The Altera(R) FFT MegaCore(R) function is a high performance, highly-parameterizable FFT processor. The FFT MegaCore function implements a Radix-2/4 decimation-in-frequency (DIF) FFT algorithm for transform lengths of 2**m where 6 = m = 14, internally using ablock-floating-point architecture to maximize signal dynamic range in the transform calculation.For system requirements, new features, installation instructions, and fixed errata in this release, refer to the release notes in the doc directory.For a list of known issues in this release, refer to the erratasheet at www.altera.com/literature/es/es_fft_221.pdf.FFT MegaCore Function Contents====================================================================== FFT MegaCore Function FFT MegaCore Function User Guide FFT MegaCore Function Release Notes FFT MegaCore Function Errata Sheet This FFT MegaCore Function readme fileLast updated April 2006. Copyright (c) 2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.……