摘要:本应用笔记使用MAXQ2010微控制器评估(EV )套件的Rev D ,以实现数字电压表。本文演示了如何衡量与ADC的电压和评估板的液晶显示屏上显示它们。板载5路开关用于选择ADC通道将显示在液晶显示屏上。没有额外的零件需要除了评估板。Maxim > Design support > App notes > General Engineering Topics > APP 4716
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Microcontrollers > APP 4716
Keywords: MAXQ2010 EV kit, MAXQ, 2010, analog to digital, ADC, analog to digital converter, LCD, liquid crystal display, digital
voltmeter, voltmeter, photocell, photoresistor, thermistor, a/d, a to d, analog, digital
Jul 28, 2010
How to Build a Simple, Interactive Digital Voltmeter
By:Stephen Hall
Abstract:This application note uses the MAXQ2010 microcontroller's evaluation (EV) kit Rev D to implement a digital voltmeter. The
article demonstrates how to measure the voltages with the ADC and display them on th……