The PIC16F73/74/76/77 parts you have received con-
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS30325 B), except for the anomalies described
Date Codes that pertain to Rev. C0 Silicon:
PIC16F73/74 0220 and later
PIC16F76/77 0304 and later PIC16F73/74/76/77
PIC16F73/74/76/77 (Rev. C0 Silicon) Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16F73/74/76/77 parts you have received con- Clarifications/Corrections to the Data
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet Sheet:
(DS30325B), except for the anomalies described
below. In the Device Data Sheet (DS30325B), the following
clarifications and corrections should be noted.
Date Codes that pertain to Rev. C0 Silicon: 1. Module: Core
PIC16F73/74 0220 and later
The typical and maximum supply currents (param-