The PIC16F7X7 Rev. A2 parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS30498 C), except for the anomalies described
All of the issues listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC16F7X7 silicon. PIC16F7X7
PIC16F7X7 Rev. A2 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16F7X7 Rev. A2 parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS30498C), except for the anomalies described
All of the issues listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC16F7X7 silicon.
The following silicon errata apply only to
PIC16F7X7 devices with these Device/Revision IDs:
Part Number Device ID Revision ID
PIC16F737 00 1011 101 00001
PIC16F747 00 1011 111 00001
PIC16F767 00 1101 111 00001
PIC16F777 00 1110 101 00001
1. Module: Internal RC Oscillator
A high Sleep current will exist when the ……